Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Lots of juicy stuff here...

Meanwhile, TOS has been making the rounds to promote his memoir at a dinner party the weekend before last (19 November) that was attended by investors, potential investors, and business associates. One of the guests was so horrified and disgusted at what TOS said that they told a source that they saw a man (TOS) who was deluded and who was unstable. Most of the guests were uncomfortable with TOS bringing up topics in his memoir, and when the host and others tried to change the subject, TOS got angry with them all and rudely persisted. They also noted whenever TOS repeated his stories, they altered each time at which point most guests realised the tales had little credibility.

Among the outbursts at the dinner party (TW was not invited) were defamatory comments about C3’s friends and inner circle (they could sue for defamation, as the family name means more than protecting C3’s wayward son, think of the renowned Second World War Prime Minister), and also a family tragedy in August 1979 that will be tied in with the August 1997 family tragedy. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but TOS was allegedly making accusations that the two tragic incidents are linked (same parties behind them!) and both involve his father.

Can C3 honestly expect all of his friends to remain silent if TOS attacks them? It’s one thing for C3 to stay silent, but should his friends (and their families) be defamed, and attacked by the world because C3 has no control over TOS? We’re talking about families with reputations spanning centuries, and why should they suffer due to C3’s inability to contain the damage that TOS and his wife have created?

Needless to say, investors will probably have to think twice about being associated with TOS or any of his business ventures, and some might be wisely considering extricating themselves at the earliest opportunity. It’s one thing to brag about having ties and an association with a member of the RF, but quite the opposite when it is someone who has a bad reputation and one whom the People have turned against. The point being, is that they wish to attract the masses for publicity, and not have people blacklist their brands for being linked to TOS. It goes without saying the investors and potential investors were not impressed with what they witnessed, and some might be having second thoughts about being investing money into controversial enterprises.
Everytime I hear that, I have to laugh. From Buckingham Palace, to the downtown Marriot :lol: It suits her.....
From London, a world capital, to Indianapolis
the man who came to dinner falling GIF
Staying on topic. We have discussed and posted excerpts from newspaper and magazine articles and even the occasional video clip from the very snarky Australian shows regarding Harry and Meghan. As it happens Gilbert and Sullivan were doing the same thing 150 years ago. Arthur Gilbert was as much a social commentator as Bower and the rest of the royal reporters That is why Sullivan who wrote the music received a knighthood and he did not. He annoyed Queen Victoria enough that this was a good way for her to show her displeasure with his writing. He had plenty to say about how the government was run and an old boys network. ( Hello Valentine Low.) Per HMS Pinafore: “Stick close to your desk and never go to sea, and you all may be rulers of the Queen’s navy.” The Mikado’s Lord High Executioner would have a wonderful time with the Sussex. Lots of things for him to mention on his little list, and none of them would be complimentary. in addition to that there would be the usual social and political commentary that is always updated in modern productions. He would probably include a comment about how the woke were trying to cancel him lol! The executioners sword is a very apt metaphor for how opinions are being shaped and if you don’t agree, off with your head! Harry is wielding his sword, so he thinks, by controlling what we see and hear about the two of them and the family. He and Meghan, no doubt, have their little list. Stay tuned for his book and the Netflix series to find out who is on it. Let’s see who really is going to get their head whacked off. When it happens, there won’t be any costumes or stage settings.
i AM A PROUD MIDWESTERN SNOWFLAKE AND I take offense at that !!! Not really, your remark was so funny, I spit out my soda, and I loved it
From St Louis, the birth place of T S Eliot
If it makes you feel better, there are plenty of lumpenproletariat on both coasts and east, west, north and south in the US. It was just the luck of the draw that the Midwest pulled the short straw.