Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Thank you for these clarifications, :heart: @papertiger

I missed the ‘children’ reference, mostly because I didn’t watch the whole vid. These 2 appear dull and heavily made-up on my screen, so it’s difficult to watch. No dolls? Do they have Wal*mart and Target in Cali? In our stores, there are tons of dolls of all ethnicity. Of course, Amazon will deliver right to the doorstep. Maybe he didn’t really look. Wait, would this be another lie ? Wow.
Ditto for the stores around me--different skin tones all over in the doll aisle.

And when was he last in a regular store (Target, Walmart) looking at dolls? I realize these are US stores but he's been here awhile. They both just spout whatever they think makes them look "woke", get called out on it and jump to the next trendy topic hoping that it will be a winner ($$$$).
Ditto for the stores around me--different skin tones all over in the doll aisle.

And when was he last in a regular store (Target, Walmart) looking at dolls? I realize these are US stores but he's been here awhile. They both just spout whatever they think makes them look "woke", get called out on it and jump to the next trendy topic hoping that it will be a winner ($$$$).
Last year Disney Princess dolls were the rage, and they are back for this Xmas, Mulan, Tiana, Jasmine and Moana are POC - Princesses of color
Thomas was such a sweet dad. This is even more shocking when you look at the way she treated her father and siblings...
I feel somewhat vindicated after being told by one of MM's stans that I was "lying", as I've indicated many times that I have friends that knew Meghan and the family during her High School years (they also knew Thomas in a professional capacity) .. they could not have said nicer things about him. Meghan however? .. not such nice things; quelle surprise!
He’s literally making up things to be outraged about. I was given a black doll (as well as some white ones) as a child, and I wasn’t born yesterday.

When I was buying my kids dolls and such about 20 -25 years ago, there were many different ethnicities available. I remember waiting around for my little girl to pick out a gift and and it taking forever because she couldn't make up her mind between all the choices. She also had a collection of American Girl miniatures that were "dolls of many lands" in super detailed, ethnic dress from around the world which were just gorgeous. I still have those tucked away. Now, going back to the 70's, my Barbies were mostly white but we also had the first AA Barbie, Christie, which was issued back in the late 60's or around there. I loved Christie. I loved all my Barbie's, I was a kid who loved dolls.

Anyway, long story, but just meant to say I have no idea where Harry is shopping or what he is talking about since you can find all different ethnicities of doll in all kinds of stores and have been able to do so for literally decades.
imo the dad (and the half-sister) is a jackass. You can give me the world but if you start selling stories to the media about me or bad-mouthing me to the world... you're gone. Doesn't matter if they're true, that's not cool.
Samantha (half-sister), yes .. I agree, she has 'issues' and in some cases, yes .. Thomas did things he shouldn't have. In regards to the letter that MM wrote (and is suing based on contents being "published" in various media outlets) .. that, I do not agree with and I think Thomas was defending himself. Let's face it, MM has a tendency to talk sh1t (outright lies) about various things and people. If someone did that to me and it was dishonest, you better believe that I would speak up & out and make sure that the TRUTH was told. It kind of goes to MM's huge issue of having anything "negative" (that she deems as such) to be said about her.
Why is she even considered powerful?:nuts:

Meghan Markle's 'eye blocks' and 'animalistic throat tightening' are signs her ego was left 'raging' when she was told 'she's not the only powerful woman' during Fortune's virtual summit, body expert claims

The Duchess of Sussex showed signs that she 'doesn't like being told she's not the only powerful woman' during Fortune's virtual summit, a body language expert has claimed.

He pinpoints the exact moment he feels the Duchess shows signs of being uncomfortable - and puts it down to the moment Fortune senior editor Ellen McGirt tells her she's 'not the only powerful woman involved in this equation'.
When I was buying my kids dolls and such about 20 -25 years ago, there were many different ethnicities available. I remember waiting around for my little girl to pick out a gift and and it taking forever because she couldn't make up her mind between all the choices. She also had a collection of American Girl miniatures that were "dolls of many lands" in super detailed, ethnic dress from around the world which were just gorgeous. I still have those tucked away. Now, going back to the 70's, my Barbies were mostly white but we also had the first AA Barbie, Christie, which was issued back in the late 60's or around there. I loved Christie. I loved all my Barbie's, I was a kid who loved dolls.

Anyway, long story, but just meant to say I have no idea where Harry is shopping or what he is talking about since you can find all different ethnicities of doll in all kinds of stores and have been able to do so for literally decades.
If he was on speaking terms with MM’s dad Harry could ask him where he bought the ones for MM when she was a little girl.
Why is she even considered powerful?:nuts:

Meghan Markle's 'eye blocks' and 'animalistic throat tightening' are signs her ego was left 'raging' when she was told 'she's not the only powerful woman' during Fortune's virtual summit, body expert claims

The Duchess of Sussex showed signs that she 'doesn't like being told she's not the only powerful woman' during Fortune's virtual summit, a body language expert has claimed.

He pinpoints the exact moment he feels the Duchess shows signs of being uncomfortable - and puts it down to the moment Fortune senior editor Ellen McGirt tells her she's 'not the only powerful woman involved in this equation'.
Hmmmmm .. interesting! I remember having to take a Body Language class in my MBA program, and at first I thought "seriously?" .. but I have to say that it was one of the BEST classes I ever took! Verbiage is one thing, but the body language doesn't lie unless one has had serious training to project something else (and we all know how "skilled" her acting is .. Z-minus)!!
This could get entertaining....

Ok, now we wait for the Grifters PR team(s) to find something word-saladish to post as a volley back.

M is probably digging in her mega-closets for some unstained blouse, H is looking for the polo shirt he left on the floor a few days ago, house-staff is yelling at the dog to get off the Zoom sofa so the Grifters are READY for their closeup.