Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Cressida Bonas, his last serious girlfriend before Meghan Markle, came to feel he was a damaged and self-obsessed young man. 'No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are,' she posted enigmatically on her Instagram page, 'how you treat people ultimately tells it all.' She complained to friends that Harry had a neurosis about the media. He'd rant and complain about paparazzi lurking where clearly there were none, she said.

Spencer-From time to time Diana's younger brother had played something of an honorary godfather to both boys in the years since the death of their mother, and their uncle agreed with William to see what he could do. The result of the Spencer intervention was an even more bitter explosion. Once again Harry refused to slow down.

Saga of the Brothers

A damaged and self-obsessed young man!
Charles, we are looking at you. Very dangerous combination.
Who's she talking about? Surely not Harry?

Edit: Never mind. I missed the "you believe you are" part. Carry on.

Yes, Harry! While Cressida preferred to stay away from some of Harry's peculiarities, MM embraced them like there was no tomorrow... I couldn't agree more with Cressida on 'how you treat people ultimately tells it all.'
Humble apologies, all. My version of the MM story is inexcusably wrong, shamefully incorrect, not-even-close. I have never heard of The Hearts, they sound lovely.

Here is the story -
In order to help her feel comfortable and proud of her heritage, Thomas bought her a sweet gift for Christmas when she was seven.

The duchess, 38, wrote on her now-defunct blog The Tig: “I had been fawning over a boxed set of Barbie dolls.

“It was called The Heart Family and included a mum doll, a dad doll, and two children. This perfect nuclear family was only sold in sets of white dolls or black dolls.

“On Christmas morning, swathed in glitter-flecked wrapping paper, there I found my Heart Family: a black mum doll, a white dad doll, and a child of each colour.

Again, apologies. :sad:
Thomas was such a sweet dad. This is even more shocking when you look at the way she treated her father and siblings...
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When you are so obnoxious as a couple that you have alienated all of your family on both sides so you have to spend Christmas with acquaintances.

Except for you, Doria. I guess you’ll have to find a friend to spend Christmas with because it doesn’t sound like you were invited.
Doria is the exception that proves the rule!
Thomas was such a sweet dad. This is even more shocking when you look at the way she treated her father and siblings...

imo the dad (and the half-sister) is a jackass. You can give me the world but if you start selling stories to the media about me or bad-mouthing me to the world... you're gone. Doesn't matter if they're true, that's not cool.
OK, I found the quote

"you go in to a shop with your children and you only see white dolls"

He didn't mean me because I have no kids.

So instead of talking properly like Prince Charles who makes sure there's no misunderstanding and uses the impersonal 'one' as in "one goes shopping and doesn't find quails eggs so much anymore" Harry uses 'you' which most people use to retell their experience or you as in the person they're speaking to.

So I leave it to your judgement,

Did JCMH mean talk from personal experience when buying a doll from some unspecified but real toyshop?

Or (white Prince) was Harry talking on behalf of (presumably black) parents he's never met (remember not being allowed a voice / Black History Month)?

Considering the intention of the video I really hope it's not the latter. He takes patronising to a whole new level, and I don't mean the offical kind.
He’s literally making up things to be outraged about. I was given a black doll (as well as some white ones) as a child, and I wasn’t born yesterday.
Poor pathetic Harry - all wrapped up in a million slights - the vast majority of which are in his head. So he is happy to turn his back on his family during the holidays to show them how angry he is. But Harry, you dolt, you are nearly 40 years old and you are a father. Yes, remember little Archie? Your grandparents are nearly 100 years old, FFS. Do you think they will live forever?!?! You are depriving Archie of the chance to be around his great-grandparents. Even if he is too young to have lots of memories of them, you can take lots of photos of him with them that he can enjoy throughout his life. Not to mention his 3 adorable cousins whom he will barely know. Remember, there will come a day when Archie and the Cambridge kids will be the adults of your family. The bonds they develop as kids will become stronger as they grow up.

But hey, you and MM clearly think only of yourselves - best to cast aside the ties to your families and spend time (and special holidays) with people you barely know. How fulfilling. Great job of putting Archie first. What parents you will make... :rolleyes:
imo the dad (and the half-sister) is a jackass. You can give me the world but if you start selling stories to the media about me or bad-mouthing me to the world... you're gone. Doesn't matter if they're true, that's not cool.

I think her family felt M treated them badly so they resorted to the media. It's similar I think with M, who felt she was badly treated by the BRF and resorted to badmouthing K&W, crashing E's wedding, etc. It seems a family trait.