Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

This is a Blind Gossip article, easily guessed and the comments are not kind. She grabs onto anything that can get her money and attention. Warning to the Ginger--you have an expiration date.

At the time she took the job she had no clue her social climbing would take her to such heights. I can understand why she tried to bury it.

It doesn’t show much in the way of acting ability but at least she kept her clothes on. :lol:
In my view the world of European royalty has very little to do with the world and network of celebs and fame. Especially that of LA.
But I agree she probably though she knew. And likely vastly overestimated the network, celebrity and fame side of it.
She didn’t realize networking meant dining with the snob German aunt who wears Blackmoor broches and a bunch of other old aristo chums dressed in rags and smelling of horses, and that celebrity meant accompanying the Queen to inaugurate some random bridge in a mining Northern town she’d never heard of on a bleak rainy day. Again, Harry’s fault more than anything.

If she really didn’t know what the job entailed, I don’t know how it was anyone’s fault but her own. Every time Kate goes out we see a clip of what charity she visited and what she wore. I can’t stand it when people play dumb.., it’s like when she says she didn’t know what the Commonwealth was or Harry says he didn’t know about racism. I’m pretty sure his mother would be embarrassed. It’s all fake... they can just say they didn’t like the job... no one conned them.

Not only that, but if Meghan was treated appallingly by the BRF, how was Kate treated? She wasn’t allowed any of the perks Meghan got so quickly. They kept telling Wills to drop her.

This, from Catherine's Uncle Gary ( Carol's brother)

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Additional comments by Gary Goldsmith:

‘They have abdicated the UK for the US and obviously don’t give a damn about the Royal family.'

‘We’ve all had enough of them lecturing us. You can’t sell your soul to Netflix for a reported £150 million and then dictate to Mother England.’ Wow!

In the US, we have also "had enough of them lecturing us."
It’s all fake... they can just say they didn’t like the job... no one conned them>"

This is exactly right, I'd be a lot more tolerant of the two of them if they had just come out and told the truth, that they didn't like the duties, the routine, the hierarchy, and playing second fiddle to William and Kate. They wanted to be richer and more famous and wield more influence than they could have ever had with Harry towing the line as #6.
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Possibly (I still think she got a lot of perks right away the other royal wifes didn't), but not only was she not singled out, I also strongly feel she's a quitter. Like if it doesn't go her way she is done within five minutes instead of sitting it out and even giving it an earnest try. Also I could respect walking away from an unhealthy situation (in fact, had they just quit royal duty quietly and with class, I doubt very few people, me included, would have put blame on them)...but Meghan walked away not because her circumstances were oh so horrible but because she couldn't be the star of the show, and I have no love for an inflated ego.
Her behavior has been like this for a very long time; remember .. her Father spoiled her rotten (according to my friends), so .. yes, if she feels as though she has no more use for something, she moves on .. and quickly.
This, from Catherine's Uncle Gary ( Carol's brother)

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Wowww this is quite a statement. I'm shocked to see family members, who actually know them, with these opinions. I always leave some allowance that "the public have got it all wrong" but a candid statement from someone who knows them says something. I can't imagine he's the only one in the family who would feel this way, or he wouldn't feel so comfortable saying it publicly.
Wowww this is quite a statement. I'm shocked to see family members, who actually know them, with these opinions. I always leave some allowance that "the public have got it all wrong" but a candid statement from someone who knows them says something. I can't imagine he's the only one in the family who would feel this way, or he wouldn't feel so comfortable saying it publicly.
As to comments from the extended family ... and in view of the Brother's Rift book ...
I remember M's first Xmas at Sandringham, H got in hot water gushing the BRF was the family that M never had ...
What a hoot three years later ...
"Prince William is praised for having the duty gene but described as having a terrible temper. "

So I guess he is indeed the grandson of his grandfather haha.

When people are described as having a "terrible temper", I always wonder if it's absolutely true vs "doesn't suffer fools" or finally runs out of patience with people/reporters/snoops/gossips who truly are a pain in the a$$ or can't shut up. In those cases, I don't blame the accused for cutting somebody off or whatever, especially if they cast aspersions. Even somebody in line to be King. At the same time, when you're raised as a royal you're used to having servants waiting on you hand and foot and I can see growing up with a short fuse. So who knows. Sometimes there's a fine line between being EXTREMELY patient vs allowing yourself to be treated like a doormat. I think most people can be very patient with some things and then not have patience for certain other things. When you're very famous, your security detail or assistants often run interference for you.
@Chanbal Yes, the video is vulgar and shows her Z list skills. Plus, as @bag-mania says, she is supposedly vegan and a feminist. This is why she is viewed as a desperate opportunist. I applaud Uncle Gary for expressing his disgust at the H&M mess. Every day they fall further down the hypocrisy hole.

Applause and kudos for those Cambridge kids talking to Attenborough. My my, at their young age, they have such a strong, positive video presence. Fun things happen at W&K’s place.
As to comments from the extended family ... and in view of the Brother's Rift book ...
I remember M's first Xmas at Sandringham, H got in hot water gushing the BRF was the family that M never had ...
What a hoot three years later ...

Well, the BRF WAS the family Meghan never had....ANY USE FOR.... except when giving her everything including a global platform to leverage with Hollywood execs that otherwise would never have given her the time of day.
So, he has been here 151 days, only 32 days to go before tax man calleth. :oh:
So, he has been here 151 days, only 32 days to go before tax man calleth. :oh:
He will just go visit Canada for a weekend ... no big deal ...
No U.K. trip for Xmas , that decision seems timed to the bad press from the Brothers Rift book