Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Love it!!!!

Great article!!! Maureen Callahan seems to be one of the very few American journalists with courage to write about what this couple represents, hypocrisy!

"It’s only been ten months since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they were leaving the British royal family in search of “privacy” — yet they have never been so much in our faces, sanctimoniously and hypocritically telling us how to live and who to vote for, all while signing a reported $100 million deal with Netflix."

"Yes, this formerly unknown C-list Z-list actress who couldn’t hack the cosseted existence of a senior royal, whose entire adult life has been spent in search of a spotlight she now claims to disdain, thinks she has the grit, intellect and real-world experience necessary for the top job."

@CeeJay I corrected one of Callahan's statements for you (in bold).:biggrin:
He will just go visit Canada for a weekend ... no big deal ...
No U.K. trip for Xmas , that decision seems timed to the bad press from the Brothers Rift book
They can visit JM's kids and deliver the Xmas presents ahead of time... They can also do one of their charity appearances/pop-up photo ops at a dog shelter or some other woke event to justify crossing the border. :popcorn:
Great article!!! Maureen Callahan seems to be one of the very few American journalists with courage to write about what this couple represents, hypocrisy!

"It’s only been ten months since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they were leaving the British royal family in search of “privacy” — yet they have never been so much in our faces, sanctimoniously and hypocritically telling us how to live and who to vote for, all while signing a reported $100 million deal with Netflix."

"Yes, this formerly unknown C-list Z-list actress who couldn’t hack the cosseted existence of a senior royal, whose entire adult life has been spent in search of a spotlight she now claims to disdain, thinks she has the grit, intellect and real-world experience necessary for the top job."

@CeeJay I corrected one of Callahan's statements for you (in bold).:biggrin:
HA HA HA .. yes, saw that .. GREAT job! Maybe I should comment on her article that that was the only thing that was wrong!! :lol:
So, he has been here 151 days, only 32 days to go before tax man calleth. :oh:
.. this really stinks if he can just make a weekend trip that would allow him to get away with not paying taxes! He wants to live in America?.. well then Hazza, pony-up those green-backs just like the rest of us have to! If H&M do indeed get $$$ from Netflix, boy-oh-boy, is the IRS going to have a field-day snooping into their revenues. Lastly, you want to live in swanky Montecito, well then you better do by them and pay your CA taxes as well!
@mia55 thank you for posting this article!

Is there anybody here with a direct connection to the Buckingham Palace? Would love to have this article forwarded to QE, W&K... (and also to uncle Gary).
I would love it if the other fawning magz/ragz, etc. start to follow suit .. seriously?!?! .. their hypocrisy is way more than "transparent" now!
One weekend away? Is that really all it takes to avoid the IRS? Wow.

@Chanbal Perhaps visit Thomas?

No, the rule is about being in the US for 183 days, they don’t have to be consecutive, so going away for a couple of days every time but spending the majority of the year in the US still requires most humans to pay US taxes (Harry may have special arrangements like a diplomatic visa, who knows).
It’s not that easy to get out of paying taxes. They certainly owe on that million dollar paycheck they got from JP Morgan back in January. Besides this is their “forever home” now, surely he understands he has to pay taxes in his new home. :biggrin:

Of course nothing has changed for Meghan. As a US citizen she naturally still has to file a tax return.
The Lichtenstein royal couple are like... the much more accomplished, wealthy, and actually private version of Harry and Meghan. Why didn't they get more press... oh, what an interesting concept:

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Because whether or not someone has class has nothing to do with one's skin color. I'm dying to see how long MM's going to milk this. Thanks for sharing this! :heart:
It’s not that easy to get out of paying taxes. They certainly owe on that million dollar paycheck they got from JP Morgan back in January. Besides this is their “forever home” now, surely he understands he has to pay taxes in his new home. :biggrin:

Of course nothing has changed for Meghan. As a US citizen she naturally still has to file a tax return.
I'm waiting for her to "quit" her American citizenship in an outrage after certain event in November or basically anytime before tax season.