POST Your Balenciaga Finds - NO CHAT/COMMENTS

Dec 4, 2006
Post Your Balenciaga Finds from around the web here!

You may NOT post your own items.

NO chat/comments.

Post ONLY the item info.​

for auction/resale items:
- post only the item name and link
- authenticate the item before posting

for store items, please include:
- the store name
- location, phone number
- items available
- prices
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Wow that price is crazy. More then I paid for mine new from the store that year.
Yes, people are definitely upping the prices and, in many cases I'm seeing as of late, their "Retail" is way more than what the retail was at that time (something I strangely remember since I was working in Europe at that time and so I would be doing my FX translations to ensure that the prices were the same between the US and the Continent)!! Well, it won't sell quickly at that price ..