Ooh La La.... a Big Orange Box! My First H Has Arrived!

May I present my black and white toile/canvas 32cm wwith Palladium hardware Herbag!




RBB ~ It's Absolutely Magnificent:yahoo: I Am So Happy For You Sweetie:heart:
:shame: K, henna, everyone, you're makin' me blush! I'm so in love with her. I've got her sitting on the box on my chair and there are a few people I work with who have stopped in and been like "wow, are you doing a photoshoot? What kind of bag is that?" And then when I tell them they are just like :wtf:

My H lust is quenched, this is amazing! I'm sitting here smiling, so relaxed and happy-- I've never had a bag affect me this way before!! :love:
Dear RBB, your love for Hermes is so very touching. I know it meant a lot for you buying your own Hermes bag. I'm very happy for you today indeed. Congratulations!
I must say (and I seldom say it) your simple picture with Yourbag is naturally elegant and pretty. Hermes becomes you :okay:
Wear it with a joy and in a good health with more Hermes to come.
Oh, and watch out for Dolce! She might want to touch...oh, scratch Yourbag ;)
Thank you so much ladies, you've all been so wonderful and have made this experience one of the most thrilling and fulfilling so far in my young life! I also want to thank a couple of certain special tPF'ers-- one, who showed me a Herbag front let-trade and was so thoughtful and considerate about helping me find one, and then of course the wonderful lady who made this all possible :yes: there are so many wonderful ladies on this board, it's so fun to share with you all and hear your stories and be a little part of your lives! I see now that this is a life-long addiction and I really know why! This is the first H bag I've ever held in my hands or even seen in real life, and I'm in absolute awe :girlsigh: :love:


Another quick pose. Excuse the lack of makeup, I look a looooot better when I do myself up. I LOVE the black! I need to rebuild it with the shoulder strap on it. I'm so glad for the white, too, because I can wear this bag year-round! :love: :tender: :girlsigh: :party:
This New H Feeling is amazing! I didn't know a bag could DO this to me! This is like... like those first two minutes after you walk out of confession (I'm not catholic, but I've heard this), where the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders and you feel so light and pure and happy, you feel like a truck could run you over and you'd still be fine! I don't know how else to describe it!