New Dior Small Lady Dior (not medium, not mini, not large, new size)

Thank you averagejoe! I just have a little bitty addiction problem (ha) that I thoroughly enjoy.

SO, as you probably know, I've been in and out of the Diors, trying to find the "ONE" that is perfection for me. I've been through the Diorama, the Lily, of course tried on other sizes of the LD, and the small LD absolutely rocks. I am in love with it. Doesn't even compare to the others. The craftsmanship on the small LD is a lot better than on the Lily, I can tell you that, despite the price difference being only 15%. It's stunning IRL.

Dior boutiques are taking preorders of course for the other colors. I've got a Rose Poudre coming my way in October, but I hear it's nearly sold out for preorders. Cruise of course will bring more colors, but they will be the ones with the big batch of charms (equally stunning, but different, and more $$).

The little envelope flap is interesting. You untuck it to of course access your things, and tuck it back in to secure them. It actually is a bit more secure than I would have thought. The bags is not necessarily *easy* to get into, like a purely open tote would be, but it's much easier than the zipper on the med & lg LD's.

Can't wait to see everyone else's posts and colors!
Wow it's almost sold out on preorder? I guess it's a big success. It's my favourite size now. The width, the height, the opening...perfection. I know what you mean about the flap not being completely easy to get into, because you have to tuck it in and squeeze your fingers in to untuck it, but it generally solves the problem of the really narrow zipper opening of the medium. I think I like how slim the bag is. It makes it so chic, while being able to carry more than the mini, including phones of all sizes.
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Hi... Are you sure? My Saks SA said it comes with only the thick strap. Which store told you that it comes with both? Thanks!! ❤️

I am no longer sure and am beginning to think my intel was wrong.

I asked the same SA that I used for my diorama. She confirmed it would be coming in skinny and thick. However, that SA recently left Dior, so I asked another salesperson about the new small. When I did, she really had no idea there was a new small and kept thinking I was talking about the mini. I actually forwarded her this thread to explain what it was.

If you go back in this thread, another posters SA also thought she was talking about the mini instead of the small.

So, all in all, Dior needs to do a WAYYYYY better job educating their sales people.
Sorry if this question has been asked already, but do we think the new small size is here to stay or just a seasonal thing? I'm on ban island after buying a Diorama and a Be Dior this year so will have to wait a while until I can justify buying the new size Lady Dior but would be kicking myself if they were not around next year!!
This is very confusing I spoke with my sa who happens to be the manager on Saturday at Saks and she said lady dior only comes in mini,medium, and large and I also called Dior at the 1-800 number and they said the same thing that there is no small size and that there will be no new colors for the fall. They also came out with a new color chocolate with a crystal embroidered strap that one isn't showing on the website. My sa will send pix later so I can share. Please help me sort this out I'm very confused about the sizes and new colors.
This is very confusing I spoke with my sa who happens to be the manager on Saturday at Saks and she said lady dior only comes in mini,medium, and large and I also called Dior at the 1-800 number and they said the same thing that there is no small size and that there will be no new colors for the fall. They also came out with a new color chocolate with a crystal embroidered strap that one isn't showing on the website. My sa will send pix later so I can share. Please help me sort this out I'm very confused about the sizes and new colors.
I'm not sure about why they don't know about it... My Bergdorf SA didn't know about it, but it's because they aren't getting it in (yet) at that store. I ordered mine from Saks in NYC. It should arrive today. Perhaps try calling the NYC store?
Yeah I'm in Houston and my sa looks at me like I'm crazy and making this stuff up and they for sure don't see a royal blue lady di coming out soon but someone shared that one along with the embroidered strap. These sa's really need to do there research.