Look what my cat did!

it wouldn't bother me, but I let my fur babies get away with a lot! My rabbit took an "exploratory nibble" of my Epi Alma. There is a little mark, but no real harm done.
Awww bad kitty but cute kitty. Thats how I felt when I looked down and saw that one of my chihuahuas chewed up the leather handle on a retired Longaberger serving/hostess basket. Pets are just attracted to chewing on leather. I keep my bags away in a closet, even the one I am using that day. Just use the bag, don't pay to replace the leather trim. Because trust me, when the day comes and kitty has gone on, you will treasure those little teeth marks.
Id say keep it like that, I have cats too and this made me smile :smile:
Ditto! And at $200 to replace it? I'm pretty picky about my stuff, but it hardly shows, and your baby is sooooo cute!!

A word of warning about the yarn though......mine got into a spool of thread that I thought was safe, and $3000 later for surgery to remove it from her insides.........so sad!! She couldn't keep food or water down for a couple of weeks, it was rough. Never again...........
Ahhhh so sorry... It just has some extra character! Plus you have a cute story of how that happened. Could have been worse. =/

Oh my goodness, I totally agree with ^ this poster!

It's barely noticeable, and it does add character to your bag. And the cute story of how it happened, which was Delightful to read!

So keep the bag; now it has family history :smile:

And, it's barely noticeable.
Aww Wesley good thing he's so cute! I would wait for it to patina and then decide about a strap replacement. I'm sorry I know how upsetting it can be my cat has ruined quite a few things for me. Hopefully Wesley won't be around any more LV. He is lucky to have such an understanding owner. I hope everything works out for you!
Thank you all for your wonderful replies! It cost $200 to replace the strap. I'm going to see if I can live with it. If it bugs me, I'll have it repaired. I live 3 hours away from the nearest LV store, so I have time to think about it since I'm not going to the city anytime soon. I never thought he would do something like this. Although it shouldn't surprise me, as he's quite found of unrolling balls of yarn. :catlick:
Thanks for sharing the price! Well $200 isn't horrible. But you do have to drive it over there to drop it off and then go back to pick it up. (But maybe they could mail it back to you?) Your patina is still relatively light so if you do decide to replace it, it's probably better to do it before the rest of the bag darkens more.