Jessica Simpson

Shower sex is nowhere near as fun or sexy as the movies make out. I call bull on that one.

I'm still reading her book and her Dad is still an absolutely terrible person. I don't think the marriage to Nick was as unhappy for as long as she said it was. You could absolutely see they were both over it in the third season, but they seemed genuinely happy and in love for the first two seasons. She seems to make out it was unhappy from the start.
Her version of events is very different to Nick's. I wonder who is telling the truth, or it's somewhere in the middle.

Whatever the case they both seem much happier with their spouses now.
Shower sex is nowhere near as fun or sexy as the movies make out. I call bull on that one.

I'm still reading her book and her Dad is still an absolutely terrible person. I don't think the marriage to Nick was as unhappy for as long as she said it was. You could absolutely see they were both over it in the third season, but they seemed genuinely happy and in love for the first two seasons. She seems to make out it was unhappy from the start.
Her version of events is very different to Nick's. I wonder who is telling the truth, or it's somewhere in the middle.

Whatever the case they both seem much happier with their spouses now.


Well doesn't Jessica have a history of lying?
I'm still reading her book and her Dad is still an absolutely terrible person. I don't think the marriage to Nick was as unhappy for as long as she said it was. You could absolutely see they were both over it in the third season, but they seemed genuinely happy and in love for the first two seasons. She seems to make out it was unhappy from the start.
Her version of events is very different to Nick's. I wonder who is telling the truth, or it's somewhere in the middle.

Whatever the case they both seem much happier with their spouses now.

I just finished her book. I really enjoyed it and miss it now that it's over. I will say I feel she left stuff out which is her right but really what happened with her and Ken?

I think Nick and Jessica are telling their own truths given each has their own emotions/feelings about what and why things happened. I'm sure both omit and are in denial about some things and don't want to talk about it with the public. I also think their opinions on what happened and why they happened will change with age and wisdom.

As for their marriage I thought things were odd from the beginning. Even if I factor in that that they were both playing a version of themselves and MTV was editing them to make it more dramatic I still feel like they, but mostly Nick, had unrealistic expectations of each other. I loved Newlyweds and religiously watched it as a teen but always felt a bit off about how Nick treated her. Yes, she was immature and high maintenance but I felt he knew that from the start and seemed to expect her to change immediately after they got married. I felt as I watched he wanted a more traditional wife one who's "career" was more of a hobby. I put career in quotes because I feel like what he really wanted was a woman who worked part time at a little shop or worked part or full time for his team, advancing his career but most importantly he didn't want a wife that was more successful than him. I think he wanted a wife who cooked and cleaned, hence his opposition to getting a house cleaner, and to happily do so while also raising their children. I don't think Jessica was ever that or ever wanted to be that. She was always career oriented and wanted to be a big star. I think Jessica thought Nick would change and be happy and supportive of her career once she achieved it. She seemed to try to buy his approval with expensive gifts like the giant watch she gave him for his birthday. He wasn't impressed because that wasn't what he wanted. I think they loved each other but weren't right for each other. Each wanted very different things in a spouse.

And as for her father...I have no idea what to say. Too involved in some ways, not involved enough in others, inappropriate, unable to be emotionally present, creepy, heartless. The list could go on. But I do think that man struggles. He has his own demons to fight with.
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what in the frickity frack is going on with this woman??? :amazed: :panic::amazed:
she does not look well.