Influencers and Hermes

I think influencers get these bags and sell them after sometime to get additional $$$ to buy more nonsense items so they can put it online get more $ get more bags and the vicious cycle keeps going and few went way ahead by selling a guide
I think this is exactly what they do. And they probably claim they have to in order to create relevant content for their channels
Thanks for sharing. I fast-forwarded through some parts. This is truly a warehouse. I understand what you mean by all the positive comments underneath, I found it super interesting as well. The LV Murakami collection was one of my favorites back then, she has a whole bunch of them! My guess is she will continue to expand her Hermes collection because that one is still fairly modest compared to the rest of the stuff she has. Kudos to her for being brave enough to open her home like this, I wonder if they're scared about home theft issues... (Would she notice if some of those scarves went missing?)
Well she did know there were 150 scarves so she might notice if it fell to 149! 😁

Yes I do think it is brave both to show her personal space and also to show how much monetary value is in that space! I would be very concerned about theft.

I imagine the Hermes system slows down the ability to quickly amass a huge collection.

I also really wanted a Murakami back in the day!

...and the comments. Yes! That is why, after a year of watching, I decided "I must talk with people about this!"
I agree we should try to avoid (including myself) being armchair doctors and psychiatrists. However, I think there is a need to talk about how Influencers and social media influence consumption. This trend seems to be especially notable with Hermes Influencers due to pre-spend.

I'm new here and certainly not suggesting things should be always deep and group therapy. But I think, as the forum is "Hermes Influencers" it should be ok mention when influencers may be promoting questionable consumption habits.

Just my two cents as a newbie. Maybe I'm wrong. 🤷🏼‍♀️

This is how I feel. The level of consumption is very unhealthy especially if the influencers are openly admitting it is causing issues in their finances or their marriage (which technically isn’t our business until they make it our business by willingly sharing the information). If anything, I think diving into the psychology of the addiction is more so granting them a certain level of grace for the circumstances.

100% agree that a larger discussion about the influence of social media on luxury consumption is warranted and fits the description of this thread :flowers: I myself have posted about this in the past:

I find that this type of content normalizes overconsumption:

1. You have to purchase every new bag style because it's the "hottest bag" and it's so "versatile" and it will "go with everything"
2. You have to resell the bag if it "doesn't fit your lifestyle" because you don't want to "waste money having the bag sitting on a shelf" and you are supposed to have a "streamlined" and "minimal" bag collection
3. You use the funds to purchase the next "hottest bag" / "unicorn bag"

I have a friend who is heavily influenced by luxury content creators and she is definitely stuck in this loop. Buy a bag, use it 3 times, resell it, and use the funds to buy the next bag. Her prerogative of course, but it's interesting to watch.

That being said, some of the comments here are hyper-fixated on details about this particular influencer (medical procedure, how she stores her bags) that are neither here nor there :smile:
Any idea what it cost to get all of these bags? The bags plus prespend has to be astronomical 😵‍💫
She does hauls pretty regularly. There was actually one about an hour ago, but I felt I had met my quota here of two video posts for the day so I didn't post it! I imagine a knowledgeable watcher could track the hauls and add them up. This time, she bought RTW, silks, SLGs. Can't remember exactly what else. 🤔 Looked like two big black bathrobes that were apparently a coat and a long sweater, a jumper\pullover\sweater, Barenia card holder, silk scarf. I'm probably forgetting something.
100% agree that a larger discussion about the influence of social media on luxury consumption is warranted and fits the description of this thread :flowers: I myself have posted about this in the past:

That being said, some of the comments here are hyper-fixated on details about this particular influencer (medical procedure, how she stores her bags) that are neither here nor there :smile:
Understood! 😊
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She does hauls pretty regularly. There was actually one about an hour ago, but I felt I had met my quota here of two video posts for the day so I didn't post it! I imagine a knowledgeable watcher could track the hauls and add them up. This time, she bought RTW, silks, SLGs. Can't remember exactly what else. 🤔 Looked like two big black bathrobes that were apparently a coat and a long sweater, a jumper\pullover\sweater, Barenia card holder, silk scarf. I'm probably forgetting something.
Ahh! Thank you! I’ll take a look in a bit. I was in my local H today and just bought a scarf ring. 🤣 but I’ll be in Villefranche Sur Mer France for a month, and hope to score a B! Fingers crossed!
She does hauls pretty regularly. There was actually one about an hour ago, but I felt I had met my quota here of two video posts for the day so I didn't post it! I imagine a knowledgeable watcher could track the hauls and add them up. This time, she bought RTW, silks, SLGs. Can't remember exactly what else. 🤔 Looked like two big black bathrobes that were apparently a coat and a long sweater, a jumper\pullover\sweater, Barenia card holder, silk scarf. I'm probably forgetting something.
I think thats why I started watching her more, when everyone else was really slowing down on the unboxings, shes been consistently unboxing.
Hate to tell you ... If you watch her bag room video there's plenty more SLGs for the list! 😬😉
LOL but but the list was for the 19 bags video (2 SLG erroneously classified as bags) and I added 2 newer ones.

And.. I just watched that room tour video! Wow her vast collection is pretty incredible! There’s so much of everything!
I feel really content with my smaller collection now after watching her storage room :lol: Not sure why or has my nordic declutter state of mind returned. Can’t really call that walk in closet anymore because she clearly tries to put as many items as possible on shelves and on top of each other.