I'm unraveling.... Somebody strangle my plastic surgeon!

Chag ~~ I'm happy to hear that you didn't come totally unraveled!

Your surgeon is indeed a cutie! A lot of patients fall for their doctors because they are that rare species--a nuturing male! I know, because all the little old ladies (and some not so old) are hot after my husband...I have him on a tight leash!!! We were in the operating room the other day and one of his patients (who didn't realize that I am his wife) reached up, grabbed him, and planted a big one right on his lips!!! :winkiss:
How cute!! LOL!!
He tells me all these funny stories about things that have happened to him. He told me what some of his patients have said as they come out of the sleep stuff. One was a preachers wife that let out a whole bunch of :censor:!! I guess she had been holding things in for quite some time! I told him I didn't want him in the same room as me when I woke up. No tellin what I would say!! LoL!
Chag I know a great plastic surgeon in South Florida, but if I am ever out your way- and decide I need some work done, I'll call your Dr up...

Come to think of it... my nose has been looking crooked lately!! :roflmfao:
Aww Megs.. now your just making fun of me. There is nothing wrong with your nose and your :roflmfao: and it's my birthday too... :crybaby:

I'm kidding... but there's still nothing wrong with your nose.
chag said:
How cute!! LOL!!
He tells me all these funny stories about things that have happened to him. He told me what some of his patients have said as they come out of the sleep stuff. One was a preachers wife that let out a whole bunch of :censor:!! I guess she had been holding things in for quite some time! I told him I didn't want him in the same room as me when I woke up. No tellin what I would say!! LoL!
Just before I went under and just as I was coming out of the anesthesia for my spinal fusion I said things that offended some people.

Going into the plastic surgeon's, I remember saying, "I apologize in advance for anything I might say while drugged."

Haha, Pink*Petunia, that was a hilarious story! When I saw my doctor for a follow up visit, I wanted to hug him but I was wondering if it was inappropriate or not!