I'm a sick puppy.

i use to keep all my bags on the dining room table so that i could use a different one all the time. hubby made me put them away tho, since he started saying that i didn't need anymore...
the blasphemy!
hahaha...everyone is sooo funny here. I always wear mine in the house for a few min to just admire them and then put them away.
I think my addiction to toki bags is even worse. In just less than 2 weeks I have bought 6 bags and I just discovered tokidoki about 2 weeks ago. And now I want more ...But hubby said, if you "need" it or if you are gonna use them, then it is ok! hahaha..but i feel guilty sometimes.
Juli - know exactly how you feel... I don't want to "over-use" my Toki and so afraid they are going to get dirty or damaged and then I will never be able to get a replacement again b/c they would all be sold out :confused1:
I always wonder which bag (style) is good for everyday use (abuse)??
Juli - know exactly how you feel... I don't want to "over-use" my Toki and so afraid they are going to get dirty or damaged and then I will never be able to get a replacement again b/c they would all be sold out :confused1:
I always wonder which bag (style) is good for everyday use (abuse)??

I have the black cammo and I can't imagine that showing much of anything!!!
I like to think of them as purse art. I don't know how I got on the subject with my husband, but he asked me what I was going to do with them, say, 10 years from now. When I said I would probably put them in storage with my other bags I am not using, but don't want to get rid of, he was the one who said that I should display them.
hahaha...everyone is sooo funny here. I always wear mine in the house for a few min to just admire them and then put them away.
I think my addiction to toki bags is even worse. In just less than 2 weeks I have bought 6 bags and I just discovered tokidoki about 2 weeks ago. And now I want more ...But hubby said, if you "need" it or if you are gonna use them, then it is ok! hahaha..but i feel guilty sometimes.

You are like me. Sometimes I'll throw a toki on and admire myself in the mirror with it on for a few minutes! I know we must be ill! :blink:
Hee hee! I know how you feel! I bought two large vinyl figures (Mozzarella and Sabochan) and I've barely taken them out of their packaging!
Initially, I started out giving reasons for buying the Toki purses: the Campeggio was big enough to be a school/laptop bag and I needed a more stylish one (all my previous ones had been either not sturdy enough or all black :P) ... but then I found a Bella Bella in the first print for a good price and I couldn't pass it up! Well, I can always use more mid-size purses, right?
The Dolce (in Playground) is where I lost it - it's a tiny purse, I'd almost never use it... but it's a placement that has my favorite milk cartons smack in the middle! (I've since also bought a pink Latte necklace....) It's still in the plastic bag it was mailed to me in :shame: That one will probably remain basically mint. I do hope that when I find a perfect Zucca that I will use it - I need a larger purse, and 11x13 seems pretty large! But I am afraid of getting them dirty... ah well, I accumulate purses pretty easily anyway - the boy doesn't understand, he's always asking "Don't you already have one that looks just like that?" But no, see, the color is slightly different, and the shape, and the pockets.... :supacool:
ahhh yes, we are all crazy, but its okay. We are all crazy together!!! :biggrin: (which I dunno, this forum seems to perpetuate my addiction more than anything!!) And yet, now I am addicted to TPF!! :biggrin: