I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For...

Wow, Hermes Only, what a special bag! Looks like a yummy ice cream to me :drool:! I am soooo happy for you and I love your other purchases as well.
I am sure you will rock this bag and that it will look fabulous on you, especially with your beautiful smile. That's the best accessoire someone can have ;).
Many, many congratulations and enjoy everything in the best of health :biggrin:!
HI..Thanks for the compliments... Menthe is one of my FAV color. I have another one in Evelyne 3GM, I got last summer...I combined ALL my FAV colors in 1... ..I hope you get your Menthe Kelly soon....and MINT CHOC CHIP Ice Cream is my summer FAV treat too...!!

There is no better ice cream than MINT CHOC CHIP!! Thank you for the Menthe Kelly wishes! :smile:
Congratulations on your belt, carres, and your SO!! Such a refreshing color palette to see (as the northeast braces for more winter weather)...you've got me thinking about warm sunny spring days ahead!

Can't wait to see modeling shots!
Thank You... I LOVE THIS..I can't wait to use it when Spring comes!!

Darling aside from me being a 50s fan and this being the most amazing bag ever because it just says retro i mean if a Birkin ever made it to i love lucy this would be it !! but.... may i ask is this combo your idea or did you go reseller and if not how how did this come to you its genius !!!! beyond stunning i keep looking at the pics i mean H almost misses the mark with the harlequins and you envision this its amazing !!!!
Darling aside from me being a 50s fan and this being the most amazing bag ever because it just says retro i mean if a Birkin ever made it to i love lucy this would be it !! but.... may i ask is this combo your idea or did you go reseller and if not how how did this come to you its genius !!!! beyond stunning i keep looking at the pics i mean H almost misses the mark with the harlequins and you envision this its amazing !!!!

Hi Birkel.. I have always LOVED and OBSESSED with EVERYTHING RETRO and the color palette of the 50s-60s era specifically the Pastel Mints, Mauves and Blues. It is such a time specific color which reminds me of classic 50s-60s movies and it's culture.

Prada's S/S 2012 50's theme renewed my interest for it along with Car's Flo's Disney Cafe logo and 50's Palm Springs...When I had a chance to create and SO a Birkin40cm @ my local H boutique last May2012.. I chose MENTHE. I'm a BIG FAN of MAUVY-ish color (Neutral Pinkish) and BOIS DE ROSE is the closest color which I actually wanted to acquire since its creation in 2011 (?). GRIS TOURTOURELLE was my 3rd .. upon ordering my SO..I specifically placed which "Color" goes to each Birkin "panel".... I sincerely thought it would take a long time for its arrival and when I found out it came in at 7 months..I was ecstatic.

I'm glad it turned out well and It's results are BEYOND my EXPECTATIONS. Thank you for your compliments .. It really made me SMILE and I'm glad you liked it... This is 1 of my 2 SO's...The 2nd SO which I hope to get by the years end would be as SPECTACULAR as this one... with the "opposite" color spectrum of this SO :graucho: