I learned THAT from my mom!!


Still Abby Fabby!!
Oct 21, 2006
I was thinking about my Mom. Just now.

And I was thinking about allllll the great things and the little things she taught me. And how sometimes I think about things she would say, over and over and now as an adult they are words I live by.

Like "Don't let anybody steal your joy".

I like that one. But tonight, it was "always keep your jewelry clean!" as I was scrubbing my earrings and setting them out lol She was always SUCH a jewelry clean freak, and now I am exactly the same way. But I get constant compliments on them, and people frequently ask me if I've just had a jeweler clean them! No, just me. And I thank her softly everytime I thank someone else.

What (nice thing!) did your mom tell you? And now all grown up, do you feel grateful sometimes? :love:
I miss my mother terribley at the moment. I must call her tommorow. I am her in that I am completley neutortic and an OCD neat freak. I have so many wierd pet peeves and idiocincracies that no one understands.
i saw the title of the thread and laughed. i was just thinking about this a few days ago. things we learn from our mothers truly do help us in our lives knowing or not how much it impacts our lives. i totally agree!
I actually wrote down a bunch of things for my Mom for Mother's day a long time ago, and framed it for her... I had just moved away from Home (1100 miles away) and I was missing her dearly! I'm so glad you posted this.. I may just have to add to it and send it to her again!
Things my Mother Taught me
Patience is a virtue
Share Smiles

Cry when you need it
A cup of tea can cure almost anything
Hot Chocolate with Candy Canes
Hug many
Bless those who cut you off on the road, they need it
Find spirituality from within
Distance makes the heart grow fonder
Talk to God often
Let Go & Let God
“I’m your mother that’s why!”
Always ask where your kids are & what they are doing
When your child cries, even at 28, hugs, cuddles & kisses always help to heal!
Choose your battles
Packages from mom are heavenly and always smell like home!
It’s ok to fail
There is a reason for everything
The love of a mother can make you feel like you are the best at everything, most popular, most loved, most talented, most intelligent, etc.!
Beware of old men in hats driving
There is good in everyone
“ Because I said so, that’s why”
Never settle for anything but the best
A hug from Mom & the smell of Patchouli is the best feeling in the world!
I love my Mom, she's my best friend. :heart:

I've learned many things from her, but the most important thing she told me is:

"No matter what happens, stay true to yourself".
eggshells go back into the crate.

:roflmfao: (my mom does this, and I usually don't, but when I do I always think of her)

I learned so much from my mom that it's hard to think of things. But one thing she does is love her family and she always puts us first. I've learned two things from that: it's good to be selfless and think of others, but I also learned that sometimes you HAVE to put yourself first.

Oh, and a clean house is a happy house.