How many of you

I do socially.

and lately I've been having one a day because I'm incredibly stressed out.

it's tres icky, and I'm a gym addict, so sooner or later it's going to affect my workouts, and that would probably be my motivation to stop.

I smoked all my teen years, then I quit for a year, started, quit again, started etc. I had just quit for six months, got stressed out and began again, i am on my last pack night now before I go cold turkey.
Don't smoke, and think the smell is disgusting. My mother got lung cancer from smoking long before people knew how bad smoking is for you, and let me tell you anyone who has seen that would never stick one of those things in their mouths again.

To get the smell out, you can try Febreeze, dryer sheets, any kind of charcoal odor absorber.
i cannot stand the smell of smoke! my eyes tear and up and i sneeze uncontrollably! both my parents smoke which drives me absolutely nuts. i'm so glad that the bf hates smoking as much as i do...and having really bad asthma does not helps things either!
I smoke 5 cigs a day...guess that makes me a smoker. I tend to not smoke at all if Im with those who do not...If Im with my smoking friends...look out! I do not like the smell and when I do smoke its always outside. I think I may give it up one day as I can go several days and not think about it...I have been dieting for almost 3 months now so I cannot give up right now.