Holy Unibrow

I am not making fun, I am seriously questioning Madonna's thinking. If Lourdes is old enough for a 6 hour spa treatment she surely is old enough for some facial hair grooming. I am of the same ethnicity as the poor girl so I am all too familiar with that but her mother should be teacher her at this age. Isn't that the age where you start to show your daughter how to shave her legs and prepare for the period ? Why not some eybrow and lip maintenance. I swear Madonna is making Joan Crawford look like June Cleaver more and more these days !
I think her father is from Puerto Rican ( like my father ) I know from experience from being Puerto Rican that I am very hairy and so is my sister , before I discovered tweezers my brows look like cattipillars trying to connect on my forehead :graucho: < like him !
She is very very pretty though
I don't know. Supposedly, madonna is "very strict" and doesn't even allow T.V. in the house and she doesn't like for them to watch T.V. Madonna probably thinks it's too young for Lourdes to think about waxing? But I agree, a little wax on the brows wouldn't hurt. My legs were super hairy when I was 11. I asked my mom if I could shave them, and she told me NO. hahaha i did it anyway when I turned 12 :P
Yes she's only 11 but jeez I think I took care of my brows when I was eleven... With a razor -OOPS! I thought they were too busy and like shaved half of them off!

But she looks like she has a bit of a stash too?

And the teeth? If I were miss rich madonna I'd get that fixed...
What 11-yr-old needs to go to the spa for hours??? If Madonna thinks she is old enough to deserve a spa-day, why not get her unibrows fixed? I think Lourdes is too young to warrant a spa treatment and a wax, but I just think it odd that Madonna thinks she is good for a spa day but not wax/tweeze the unibrow, that's all.
I just noticed the stacks of little rubber bracelets she's wearing....how funny because her MOM was the one who originated that trend back in the early 80's!

I agree that the lip fuzz and unibrow are not cute, but it's also refreshing in a way because it shows that not every Hollywood girl under 15 is waxed, plucked, primped, and spray-tanned a la Ali Lohan. She has plenty of time to grow up and get groomed. She's still only 11 after all. I think it's healthy that Madonna is letting her just be the child that she is.

I didn't shave my legs til 8th grade, and I didn't pluck my brows til COLLEGE! (hey, it was the early '90's when thick brows were in)
What 11-yr-old needs to go to the spa for hours??? If Madonna thinks she is old enough to deserve a spa-day, why not get her unibrows fixed? I think Lourdes is too young to warrant a spa treatment and a wax, but I just think it odd that Madonna thinks she is good for a spa day but not wax/tweeze the unibrow, that's all.

Maybe she(Madonna) thinks that there is nothing wrong with her daughter eyebrows or doesn't want to ruin Lourdes's self-confidence, that's it.