***Holy Grails Club***

This lovely:heart:

Beyond beautiful!!!!!!!!!!:love: :love: :drool: :drool: :love: :love:
This is really my only HG one that I have a picture of. and my silver city, but I dont have pics of one yet. Everyone's bags is TDF. Espically the eggplant, turq, and pinkbubble gum cities.


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so many HG bags, so little time and money...!

i just purchased an apple green first, which is sitting next to me right now. no pictures yet, unfortunately, but hopefully i'll fix that soon. she's just so bright and gorgeous, and to see everyone agape at her crazy shade...it's priceless! soooo pretty.

the HGs i'm still pursuing: rouge theatre day, anis twiggy, and just about anything in pewter. my preordered anthracite bowling is also bordering on HG status.
What gorgeous HG bags you ladies have!!!

My original HGs were an 05 Pewter First (got it :yahoo:) and 03 Black First with pewter hardware (got it :yahoo:) and now I'm thinking of just 4 more...LOL

  • 03 or 04 Black City with pewter hardware
  • 04 Grey City with pewter hardware (I missed one on eBay...am still mad at myself over that one!!)
  • something in 03 Lilac (city? first? flat messenger like Zac's? :drool: )
  • 03 flat messenger - leather or suede (I think suede was made in 03??)
The HG's in my current collection are pretty humble: 05 bordeaux weekender and a minty 05 sky blue city with TDF leather!

But the HG that is still out there??? Well, I wouldn't mind owning a minty eggplant city or purse! :love: