***Holy Grails Club***

It would now be lilac 2004. The others I was questing for I have found:



rollergirl! How long (time frame) does it take for one to find such beautiful three HG's????? Years? Months? I feel like it would take me a lifetime!!! And how many dragons did you have to kill before you found these grails?

CONGRATS! Those are beautiful! I'm sure u will have ur lilac 04 soon too!
Thank you! Trama, come on over. We have a room for you and you only have to walk the bags once in a while. The turquoise I got when it first came out, for summer 2005, at retail. Believe it or not, it wasn't so hard, because a lot of people who saw the swatches thought it was a little too much, too loud. And it came out with BG pink and apple green at the same time. I think a lot of people picked their fave bright color. It's one of those colors people started really wanting more after they started seeing the bags in circulation.

A couple of years ago, lvlady99 was on a great streak, and I got the rose WE and the eggplant city from her within a week of each other. She had other eggplant bags at the same time! It was just one of those rare times you strike gold. The eggplant has the nicest leather of any bag I have, and I can say the same of a lot of other eggplant bags I've seen. Is it a combination of the great leather, and the particular dye or something? I don't know, but they always seem so good.