Following dstar's lead: I'm self-RESTORING my 05 BG Day

...after two coats of dye. You can see that there are still pink spots showing thru the dye. Three coats should do it.



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The last shot of the night is my stab at "covered hardware," I couldn't resist. :oh::biggrin:

Tomorrow will be the third and final coat. And the tassels.


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Oh wow. I am feeling a little bit shell-shocked by having 2 threads with my username in it. lol Isn't it amazing how this dye can turn your bag into a COMPLETELY different color? The leather is ridiciously shiny too. Keep me posted!
^^ Yes yes, your my hero of the hour. I never would have done it (never would have been able to figure out which dye to use) if another PFer didn't mention it first!!!

You are the pioneer, live it up.

I'll for sure keep you posted. Its amaaazing how the bag still contains most the same characteristics as before. Still soft, fluffy and fab.
I love your step by step!!! Very informative! And the covered hardware...I did the same thing! I actually kind of liked it, but in the end wanted the contrast of the rh. I cant wait to see your finished product!
For mine I only really did one full coat and in certain areas applied a second coat, and then in the end did some touch ups. I guess it all depends on the colors youre using...the fushia/magenta I used is pretty dark.

I had so much fun revamping my Twiggy! And I just love Love LOVE her now! I am so thankful that Dstar started all this! I feel like I've bought a brand new bag! I've dressing around it for the last two days!:P
Wow...great...I'm wondering..uhmuhmuhm...
1st thanks to our pioneers!!!
2nd I'm pretty sure someday (I mean...speaking about YEARS and YEARS) it'll come the moment I'll dye my white baby...yes I think someday it will come...
3rd...but...if you dye only leather, does the textile part (next to zip) remain the original color? Isn't there a way to dye it too (bleach)?...this could lead to bi-color Bbags...
Thanks for shooting and sharing pics
vida! You know.. I haven't quite figured out what to do with the zipper lining as of yet. I don't really like the pink showing thru since the bag is now Ivory, and bleach sounds like a good idea.

I was hoping to stop by a fabric store just to buy some off-white dye or something. What do you think?

Any suggestions for me?

As great as the bag looks so far, the pink zipper is driving me insane.
vida! You know.. I haven't quite figured out what to do with the zipper lining as of yet. I don't really like the pink showing thru since the bag is now Ivory, and bleach sounds like a good idea.

I was hoping to stop by a fabric store just to buy some off-white dye or something. What do you think?

Any suggestions for me?

As great as the bag looks so far, the pink zipper is driving me insane.
About bleach, I don't know what effects could it have on leather if accidentally goes on it...but you could work with a small brush...The color could result cute, as faded pinkyellowish as bleach usually do on colors...
Or maybe that tint used to make hair could work...
There's a product to use on textile products here in Italy to change their colors (In the label, up original colors, down faded colors obtained)...Try to look for something similar...obviously you can't put the bag in the washer as the normal process would make after all that she's passed...
But I think some ladies could have better ideas here!!!
Thanks louis gal! I've posted a ton pics of the process on the bottom of page 3 and top of page 4 already.

Will post pics of the third coat soon.

I can't wait to see the final outcome, but so far - lookin good lookin good. :heart::heart:
WOWZERS!! Oh my God, RERE! You've been so informative with the step by step and it looks awesome! You may very well have inspired me too (along with dstar) that maybe the only way I'll find a Grey Work is to dye my own Grey Work! :nuts:

It's lovely!!!
I love your step by step!!! Very informative! And the covered hardware...I did the same thing! I actually kind of liked it, but in the end wanted the contrast of the rh. I cant wait to see your finished product!

^^ wowza, this is all so exciting, i can't stand it!!!...and like so many other gals have said, it makes me wish i had a fixer-upper at home!!!...rere & cleo, how do you get the dye off the HW afterwards (?) :shrugs: