Do You Remove Your Rings @ Night ?

Wow :nuts: your ring is exquisette.

Thanks for posting.


It is a very special ring, the reason that I can't have it yet is because a volunteer for a rescue group donated the ring with conditions.

Kathryn's mom collected all of the family diamonds (27 total) and had them made into one ring. Kathryn inherited the ring from her mom & it set in a safety deposit box until she realized that her momma, a rescuer, would have wanted it to help dogs, not sit in a bank vault.

The rescue took the ring to a jeweler and had one of the solitares recut and all of the diamands put into modern settings.

Kathryn made the gift on the condition that the head of the rescue wear one of the rings for a year because a rival rescue group was telling people not to donate to us because their donation went to things like the director's HUGE diamond ring.

The truth is that her wedding ring was made from a big diamond that she got as part of a real estate commission.

But what no one, including her husband, knew was that she sold her diamonds to pay vet bills for some rescued dogs and she has been wearing C Zs for the last 6 years.

I think that a ring with this kind of history and karma is worth waiting for.
i take all my jewelry off the minute i get home. wow, Robyn, that's a great ring and story.

Thanks! I am really excited to have a ring that represents our love, carries all of the good karma from Kathryn's family AND will provide a substantial chunk of change to help dogs in need.
I take all jewelry off at night. Sometimes I forget to take my watch off, but I realize it at some point during the night and take it off. I'm not fully awake when I do it, and I find that I have thrown it across the room. I don't remember it the next morning, so I guess I throw it when I'm asleep? I don't want to do that with rings!

I have a friend who always kept her jewelry on, and ended up losing one of her diamond studs down the drain in the shower. She didn't realize it until too late, and she was heartbroken because the earrings had been a gift from a departed friend.
I sleep in my necklace, bracelets, earrings, and sometimes my watch. I have to take off my rings though. I shower with my jewelry on too.

Why would sleeping with your earrings on stretch your earlobes? I'd think that earlobes stretch more when you're standing with earrings on, with no support...wouldn't gravity pull on it more when you're standing than sleeping on a bed supported by a pillow? Like how people actually grow a tiny bit in their sleep and shrink when they wake up and walk around when gravity pulls on them.
I take off all my jewelry before bed. Years ago I used to sleep w/ my rings on but there was an incident:rolleyes:
You see, I usually wake up in the morning and pee and wash my face. Well one day I took my rings off and put them on the sink and as I flushed the toilet I heard a distinct "plink" noise. Much to my horror my wedding band had bounced off the sink right into the toilet and got flushed. My husband freaked while I cried:lecture: . Then I had the brilliant idea of calling our cess pool company who didn't believe I did it by accident!! They actually came rushing over and stuck a camera in our pipes and found it. The cess pool guy must have thought I was an idiot b/c he told me to make sure I soak it in ammonia and clean it well before I put it back on my finger...DUH!!:yucky:
$250 later I found myself sleeping w/ out jewelry at nite.

Your story made me cringe:Push: Thank god you were able to get your ring back!
I keep all my jewelry on when I sleep, especially my e ring and wedding band. I do shower with some jewelry on, but not the rings (they get tangled in my hair otherwise).
I take my jewelry off at night because when I about 9 years old, I had a cousin who slept with her earrings on. One night her earring got caught on her pillowcase and ripped her earlobe. I get squeamish just thinking about it, as I remember my grandmother telling me how horrible it was and how she had stitches and couldn't wear earrings for a long time. So, no matter how tired I am, the jewelry (especially the earrings) come off before bed!
I USED to sleep with my rings on but, lately I can't! Sometimes my fingers swell at night and the rings were cutting into my I take 'em off at night...I miss waking up with bling on my fingers!!