Co-worker going into my purse?

He's OVER 40?????????? WTF???? I can't believe you kept your cool. Even if it's only the owner, I think you should tell management. If anything turns up missing, there will be at least a little bit of documentation.
I just went out and talked to him .. said, "I don't know where you grew up from ... but where I'm from - that's not kosher." - he said, "Well I don't know where you grew up ... but where I'm from - we don't use the word kosher."

omg that is HORRIBLE. regardless of the outcome i would still report him. that is totally unacceptable. my boss went through my wallet once and i totally flipped on him. there is no need to go through someone else's belongings, drawers, pockets, etc. ugh i am so mad for you!
I would report him to the owner, and have this incident documented in writing. If I was in your shoes, I would want to go to the Police, but they probably wouldn't anything since nothing was taken (except the cigarette).

I am so pissed that this happened to you!!
Unfortunately I work for a very very small company - with a total of 5 - which includes the owner and me. :sad: So seriously - I can report him to the owner .. but nothing more than likely will be done but a small talking to. And I can guarantee it will go something like this - "Hey - don't go in her purse again." - "Oh .. okay." .. and that's it.

And to answer the other question - he's like 40 or 41 ... so old enough to know better. :Push:

I'd also add that the police could be involved if it happens again to him. Let him know that no way is that acceptable.:cursing:
I'd at least request a locked drawer or cabinet from the owner to prevent this from happening again. My dh doesn't go in my bag; my kids don't go in my bag; NO ONE goes into my bag except me. I won't even get something from inside someone else's bag when they ask me to! I'll pick up the entire bag and hand it to them instead. It is NEVER okay to go in someone else's bag (unless they are critically injured and EMTs need to know who they are).
I think I was just in complete shock over seeing him with his hands deep inside my NEW purse.

I just went out and talked to him .. said, "I don't know where you grew up from ... but where I'm from - that's not kosher." - he said, "Well I don't know where you grew up ... but where I'm from - we don't use the word kosher."

OMG ... I am about to slap him....seriously.

I walked off right after saying, "If I catch you in my purse again - it's not gonna be pretty."

He mumbled something (smart a$$'d I'm sure) - but I didn't hear it.

OK, even though I immediately agreed with you and thought this was unacceptable, i was going to suggest you say something to him (Which you did) and give him the chance to apologize and swear not to do it anymore. HOWEVER, given that smart ass exchange, I would TOTALLY report this to a manger or supervisor b/c he does not get that his behavior is wrong.

Like you said, my own husband wont even go in my purse - no way in heck should your trashy co-worker be doing so:cursing:.
What? that is completely unacceptable! I hope you made sure nothing has gone missing. The nerve of some people, what made him think he could just go thro your bag without asking?! I would make sure he cant get his fingers anywhere near my stuff.
Wow. I don't let anyone go into my purse. Even my kids. The only person I don't think I would care about going in my bag is my guy - but I can't imagine he would do that. Strange!
that is so wrong of your co worker to do this and I think he was really rude to you when challenged. He was also in my opinion stealing from you, if you had not have caught him would he have even told you he had taken a cigarette? I know it seems something small, but he had no right to go into your bag at all.

I would report this and also make sure who you report it to, knows how bad his attitude was when you spoke to him.

As so many posters on here have said not even my husband goes into my bag without asking me first and even then he passes me the whole bag to get whatever is needed out