City vs Work

As everyone else really depends on you and what you carry. For me a City is a bit to small! Everytime I carry my City she get's so overstuffed it's silly looking!

Have you considered a Part-Time?

The PT is closer in size to the City but a bit less shallow, a bit wider face-wise and depth wise. Because of the wider bottom it holds a bit more than the City without being as big as the Work.

It sounds like your looking for something bigger than the City....So I would go with either the Part Time or the Work depending on how much you like to carry.:yes: Good Luck with your decision!

I have very recently developed an obsession with Balenciaga! I decided to start with something small, ordering a EB MU which should be in my possession by friday at the latest!
Now I'm ready to upgrade for my next purchase, a Black BBag would be my first choice, but the size is still a question, originally I had thought the City would be absolutely perfect, but the more pictures I see of City and Work bags in action... I've started to lean over to Work.. and unfortunately I can't afford a City and a Work right now... :crybaby:

I need your help!! What size you you think is better for an everyday bag?? Any personal preferences yourself?
I don't have experience with City, but I love my Work! It holds a lot, and is easy to get in and out of when you need to open it and grab something, etc. I'm a big bag type of girl, though (Louis Speedy 40, etc.)

A funny thing happened to me on my walk home from work today. Some random guy on a park bench said "What good is a bag that big if it's not filled with hundred dollar bills??!" I just smiled and walked on by. He doesn't understand Bal bag love :P
I love the work because I carry my life with me but I vote 4 the city. It's a great size bag. The first bag I bought was the city and it actually played a role in me determining if bigger was better.
city is perfect size. it's big enough, but not too deep u have to bury ur head in the bag just to look for wallet!

I have a work, i initially thought it was big n good to carry many things. but my shoulders suffer in the end.
That's a really difficult question since those are my two all time favorite sizes!! :P

The City is a perfect every day, day-to-night bag that holds all of your essentials (wallet, two Bal Coin Purses (holding keys, cell, lip balm, baghook, USB stick etc), Sunglasses (in hard case) and make up bag) comfortably :yes:

The Work is a great bag when you need to carry any kind of A4 sheets in addition to what the City can hold as well as i.e. a bottle of water. Thus, the Work is a great bag for work or shopping days and I really don't like my bags overstuffed. The City could physically fit A4 files but you it just isn't comfortable to carry anymore.

As a first ever bag I would definitely recommend the City- it's kinda like the Speedy 30 for Balenciaga- a perfect staple you will have forever. After having the City I am certain that you will experiment with a few sizes to find the size that suits your personal needs best for your 2nd BBag. Good luck! :yes: :heart:
I've been looking lots at what I can really fit into a city and a work lately, and with everyones help its made me feel much more confident about my choice... I've decided...
I NEED BOTH..:shame:
but, I will for sure, get my hands on a city first, maybe a christmas gift to myself, hopefully that way I can get a little financial help from family..
but with the work, it sounds and looks like it would be a pretty good bag to haul around some notebooks and whatnot, so before I head off to college in Boston next fall, I hope to have both a work.. It'll most likely have to be a grad present in order to get my paws on it, but ill see what I can do..:graucho: Work will definitely be a color, some kind of purple would be amazing!

Now how to back my new found addiction...
I do have a P/T job, but working only 18 hours during school is tough and any money that I made during the summer was spent on Vacation to Florida, a Macbook Pro (that I'm still financing through the bank of mom[I love her dearly]) and my first designer bag, my first balenciaga, my EB MU..
I still have to save to live in Boston too.. I can't make my BF pay for everything, though he's agreed to support me through my first few semesters.. I don't think the addiction is included in that :crybaby:
Any tips in that area?
I am planning to get my first Bbag and I know that I want black. It is the style that I am agonizing about. I cannot decide between the City and the Work. I am leaning toward the Work because the zipper is simple and looks easy to get into and out of. Also, the size is versatile.... can be used daily and for traveling. But the size of the City looks more manageable and has the shoulder strap. Decisions, decisions..... If you were to buy only one (for the time being) which would you advise? I like the small brass hardware so that is already decided. Help!!!! TIA.
Welcome to the addiction. It is basically a 3 Step Program.
!. You agonize over which first bag to buy.
2. You fall in love with first bag, and realize you need another.
3. You buy second bag, feel better, realize you need another.

Although it makes no difference in the progression of the the Steps, poll after poll end up with the City as a first choice.... HTH! :yes: