Breast Augmentation in Singapore - My Journey

Hello all,

Just to share my experience with all of you. I have done my BA with Cosmacare Clinic on the 5th August 2023. Reason for doing is because after pregnancy and breastfeeding, my breast became uneven and shrink from Full B to Small A. The top part of my breast was so empty that it make me difficult to buy bra and also looking ugly when wearing some clothes.

Surgeon: Dr. Phokin P
Admin: Nicha
Type: Motiva Ergonomix (Left 335cc, right 355cc)
Price: THB 139,000 + Funnel Method THB 10,000 (approx. SGD5.8K)
Deposit: THB 20,0007 (approx. SGD800)

4th August 2023
Flew to Bangkok a day before as the surgery is in the morning and also to let myself enjoy Bangkok food, shopping and massage before my surgery.

5th August 2023 - Day 1
Reached the clinic at around 9.45am. Did the covid test, was asked a lot of question and sign a lot of paper. Surgery starts only around 1pm. My hubby was my companion and he was told that everything will he done by 4pm. They do have a place for companion to rest but my hubby went nearby for his lunch and massage.
Woke up and saw the clock it was 3.30pm. Around 3.45pm, they told me I can leave after taking my medication.
Was feeling very nauseous. Went back to the hotel and rest.
Try to eat but once I ate, I feel like vomiting , so basically, I did not have any food and only ate the antibiotic given. Was told to sleep 45 degree so I have 3 pillow stack up and slept. My back was aching !!

6th August 2023 - Day 2
The pain was there but manageable. Was told by Nicha to drink lots of coconut water for the recovery. Felt very bloated and nauseous still. No appetite for food. Only have a few mouthful of food. Basically lying down most of my time.

7th August 2023 - Day 3
The pain still there but bearable therefore I did not take any painkiller. Only the antibiotic. Cannot raise my hand as it hurts !! Felt too boring at the hotel therefore, I went out for a walk and dinner with hubby at the mall nearby my hotel. Still feel very bloated and did not eat much
8th August 2023 - Day 4
It was painful when I tried to get up from the bed !! I went to the mall beside my hotel to have my hair wash. Went to walk around the night market nearby and do some shopping for my sons. Drank lots of coconut water. Bought Salon Pas because my back hurts sleeping 45 degree.

9th August 2023 - Day 5
The pain was okay just that I felt very tight but don’t dare to loosen the bandage. And also the bandage is making my skin very itchy. Scratching like a monkey. The tightness is making me having difficulty breathing. Went to more place to walk around as well but mostly air-conditional place as I am not able to shower and don’t want to risk perspiring.

10th August 2023 - Day 6
I can finally remove my bandage myself. I felt so so much better although the tightness is still there but at least some release for me. The cloth or white bandage beneath the support bra is making me very itchy. Trying to control myself not to scratch. Walk around and went big c to buy lots of snack as it was my last night ><

11th August 2023 - Day 7
Back to Cosmacare for my review with the nurse at 10am. They finally removed the white cloth and I felt so much better. The pain is also almost gone just that I do felt tight some of the time. Took some after picture of my boobs. The nurse check and clean up my wound. Was told that 3 days later I am able to shower. As the support bra is without padding. So I wound recommend you to bring nipple sticker over to stick over it if not your nipple is quite visible after they remove the white cloth beneath the support bra. Went for a quick lunch and one last min of shopping . Back to Singapore to my sons ♥️♥️
hii just asking, for your booking of surgery date, was it a month in advance? As i contacted Nicha and she said the dr's schedule will only be out 1 month before the surgery date. And also, did u any online consult with them before booking of the surgery?
hii just asking, for your booking of surgery date, was it a month in advance? As i contacted Nicha and she said the dr's schedule will only be out 1 month before the surgery date. And also, did u any online consult with them before booking of the surgery?
Hi yes it’s 1 month in advanced. I did managed to get her confirmation 1.5 months in advanced. No online consult. I sent my photos over, with measurements. Doc replied with his suggested size.
Hi all, glad to find this thread. Have been really useful. Just went to Dr Shen for consultation. I’m petite size with 32A. He has suggested 265 cc (B-C) and 315cc (C-small D) motiva. I can’t really decide based on the imaging as it doesn’t look very different. I would want to take the bigger one but worried that it will look vulgar as I’m hoping to achieve a C. Anybody with similar recommendation ?
Hi just wanna ask if anyone that went thru BA have experienced any symptoms of breast implant illness? As i'm planning to do my BA ops in Dec in Bangkok and i'm just quite worried about the complications that would arise post-ops, especially breast implant illness. Ive read some stats and BII is not rly that common but i'm still worried

Would appreciate if anyone has any inputs or advice! :smile:
Hi all, glad to find this thread. Have been really useful. Just went to Dr Shen for consultation. I’m petite size with 32A. He has suggested 265 cc (B-C) and 315cc (C-small D) motiva. I can’t really decide based on the imaging as it doesn’t look very different. I would want to take the bigger one but worried that it will look vulgar as I’m hoping to achieve a C. Anybody with similar recommendation ?
Babe, may I know what is ur stats? I’m quite surprised Dr Shen suggested to me 340cc and 400cc. I’m petite size 153cm / 47kg. He said my chest and shoulders are wide so can’t be too small.

I also worry 400cc will look vulgar..
Babe, may I know what is ur stats? I’m quite surprised Dr Shen suggested to me 340cc and 400cc. I’m petite size 153cm / 47kg. He said my chest and shoulders are wide so can’t be too small.

I also worry 400cc will look vulgar..
Hi babe, I’m 162cm 44kg. I just went to another consultation with Dr Chia. Might go with her instead.
Nice! I scheduled a first appt w Dr Tan frm Sw1. Initially Dr Chia but got postponed. Wanna see if the pricing is cheaper than Shen. Shen’s seems pretty steep.

Which motiva r u considering?
Nice! I scheduled a first appt w Dr Tan frm Sw1. Initially Dr Chia but got postponed. Wanna see if the pricing is cheaper than Shen. Shen’s seems pretty steep.

Which motiva r u considering?
That’s great! I’m not very concerned about the softness since the quality is the same, I think I’ll probably go for motiva 1