Asian eyelid surgery

^my friend got the procedure done (cutting method) because she had very fatty monolids. she could NOT even curl her eyelashes. but after the procedure her eyes were much more open and eyelashes MUCH more visible.

I also got eyelid surgery, non-incisional method and medial epicanthoplasty.
it really opens up the eyes!
Hey babe, you did the Epi? No scar?
my friends doctor told her she will have to get the lids lifted every 15 years or so.

sorry, yes u are right that's true.
but i wasn't thinking that far ahead i was commenting more on the present stage. If u had eyelids surgery and its done right and u like it, than it should be fine and u have nothing to worry about. 15 or more years later is just the natural aging process, whether u had eyelids surgery or not as u get older ur eyes will get weak and start to droop and lose elastic.

Apologies for the long awaited review. I wanted to included as much detail as possible hence I waited till I leave kr before this review.

Some background info, prior to double eyelid at teium I had a nose job else where, n it was also the reason why I was in kr in the first place. The doctor at this particular clinic happen to be overseas when I wanted to do my eyes hence I went shopping for a surgeon around the gangnam area. A fren pointed out that dr kwon at teuim seem to have good review, hence I went for consultation on the 7th day while I was in kr.

Did not have prior appt because I do not have the phone number, I was wondering on streets and happen to see the building. There is no obvious signage for ICL building, u’ll have to look out for it. From Sinsa subway exit 1 its appox 800m ahead. Met with Dr Kwon, he can understand simple English, but not very conversant in it. After some guessing, smiling and sign language, another dr at the clinic came in to help translate. I raised my concern about droopy eyelids and having slight ptosis in addition to increasing the height of my original double eyelid fold. His diagnosis was that my ptosis was very slight and didn’t need to be corrected. As for the droopy eyelids, during the double eyelid surgery, he can remove some skin to correct it.

Initially I told him I wanted eyes like angelababy’s, big wide parallel kind, but decided against it after he told me I’d need epi for that. The epi according to him was not to reveal more of the eye or to correct Mongolian slant as with most ppl; as my eyes are already showing a lot of the pink flesh. The epi he suggested was to release the skin at the inner corner of the fold so as to make the double eyelid a out fold, instead of usual in fold (aka tapered), done by most Korean doctors. Heard from fren that he is one of those few kr doc to perform out-fold, not sure about this, pls do your due research on this. Hence after consultation, decided to go with just a normal double eyelid which will increase the height of my original one. It’s a primary eyelid surgery. Wanted to do it there n then, but his appt is full for the day, so I can only have a slot the next day, and i was scheduled to be the last of the day. =p Not that it bothered me, I had only wanted it to be done.

So the next day, I was instructed to fast for 2 hrs prior to surgery. Went to clinic, and was prep for the surgery. Because I had my nose cast on, they had to remove it so as to facilitate Dr kwon doing my eyes. But because there was a wire sticking out of the bridge of my nose, in between the eyes, the nurses were all stunned when they saw this. 3 of them plus 1 recept stood beside me, stunned. Lol! I had to assure them that it was meant to be that way. I was sedated for 5 mins while they do LA on the eye area. During the surgery, dr kwon asked me to open n close my eye several times to judge the symmetry of both eye. And I think during the surgery, he had stitched and un-stitched a couple of times. I mean, it can be good or bad, depends on how u judge. I suspect that it could be this reason that y I’m having v bad bruising on my right eye, my left eye was ok. But it also shows that he is a meticulous person that he had at least bothered to do my eye till he thinks is good enough and not leave it half-****. The surgery perhaps has also taken longer then estimated so they had to do another LA injection. OUCH big time! =p

Right after the surgery was brought to the recovery room, rested for a while and was able to walk back to where I stayed on my own. Because I’ve limited time in kr, doc wanted me to remove my stitch 4 days later. The eyelids that night was super painful after LA wear off. I had to tk painkiller and keep applying ice pack to alleviate the pain. Eyelids will be VERY swollen at least for the next 3-4days.

On the day of removal, it was a nurse who helped me with it. And maybe eyelid surgery is common there, seems like most patients do not get to see the doc at removal of stitches? Cos I had to ask to see dr kwon b4 I was ushered to his rm. After a short debrief, I left.

During the period with stitches, the wound is to be kept dry and keep applying the ointment that they provide. Don’t think they charge of the home kit which includes medication, ointment, gauze and ice pack.

Keep applyng the ice pack to prevent swelling.

Can only apply make up after 2 weeks.

I am planning a trip to Seoul and I also only have 4 days.
Can the stitches be removed at day 4?
If I do my surgery on the 1st, can I remove 4th?

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Is the eyelid surgery really performed better in Korea than in the USA? Some people said they have bad experiences there and one girl I knew had her eyelid surgery done in Korea but it looks unnatural and you can tell she got it done, so it looks bad.

Also, I had eyelid surgery done but I want to get a revision, I'm considering it because when I put eyeliner on top of the lid, you can barely see the lid. So I want them bigger. Here is a picture of how it looks. *GO TO PAGE 21 AND THESE ARE NOT MY EYELIDS*

Can anyone recommend any eyelid surgeons in nyc or in california? I've seen a doctor recommendation here for a surgeon in Cali a long time ago but I can't seem to remember. If there aren't any good surgeons there then I guess I will go to Korea! I've been reading all over the forum about Dr Kim in BK. He must be good!
Is the eyelid surgery really performed better in Korea than in the USA? Some people said they have bad experiences there and one girl I knew had her eyelid surgery done in Korea but it looks unnatural and you can tell she got it done, so it looks bad.

Also, I had eyelid surgery done but I want to get a revision, I'm considering it because when I put eyeliner on top of the lid, you can barely see the lid. So I want them bigger. Here is a picture of how it looks. *GO TO PAGE 21 AND THESE ARE NOT MY EYELIDS*

Can anyone recommend any eyelid surgeons in nyc or in california? I've seen a doctor recommendation here for a surgeon in Cali a long time ago but I can't seem to remember. If there aren't any good surgeons there then I guess I will go to Korea! I've been reading all over the forum about Dr Kim in BK. He must be good!
Which one is your eyes?
Hi Sure and Bearubibi,

I will be in Seoul from 3-11 Sept for eyelids surgery, when are you arriving?

Hi VallerinaDoll^^
I will be in Seoul from the 8th till the 18th of Sept. Which clinic are you heading
for your eyelids surgery? Are you able to receive PM or read PM? Seems like we are not allow to post our email addy on the forum isn't it? My email addy is gmail and same as my username but smaller cap for my first "B"...hope this helps haha...
Hi VallerinaDoll^^
I will be in Seoul from the 8th till the 18th of Sept. Which clinic are you heading
for your eyelids surgery? Are you able to receive PM or read PM? Seems like we are not allow to post our email addy on the forum isn't it? My email addy is gmail and same as my username but smaller cap for my first "B"...hope this helps haha...
Hey hey Bearubibi,

Great to hear from you :smile: Have you booked your accommodation and clinics yet?

Had emailed you, hope I guess it right keke ...
Well he seems very empathetic, careful and we had a long consultation. I'm having a hard time finding info about him. I haven't seen all of his pictures though. Why did you consider him? He wasn't very precise on how the results will be, but he kept on emphasizing trusting the doctor and vice versa. He believes in long term relationship with his patients. My instinct tells me he's worth trusting. However, I'm just confused and scared that I might make another mistake with my revision surgery. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH stressful as heck. I know that food's post talked about having surgery in Korea with some apgujung doctor. Her results were really good. Although I want to go to Korea, it's so much of a headache due to my responsibilities in the US. However, this is my face we're talking about so if the docs I talk to in the US don't give me a confident feeling, I will have no choice but go to the korean doctors. Food's apgujung doctor seems to specialize in revision look AWESOME! I really need to get surgery soon to move on with my plans and life.
Hi ihccoos,

How are your results with Dr. Kenneth Kim? Specifically your nose job. Thanks!
Hey hey Bearubibi,

Great to hear from you :smile: Have you booked your accommodation and clinics yet?

Had emailed you, hope I guess it right keke ...

Heheh hi VallerinaDoll ^^ I received your email and replied :biggrin:
Yes I booked my accommodation and had a few clinics in mind that I will be
visiting during my trip there and will decided after going through all the consultation haha.... Have you too already booked your accommodation
and already decided which clinic to go to?
Hey Maytem,
Thanks for the encouragement. It's Day 6 from my surgery. Ya, Dr.Kenneth Kim did a non-incisional eyelid with EPI (~1mm) for my revision. I have a bit of hollowness above my crease with a few folds (due to previous surgery, natural skin laxity, and using eyelid tape). So he said FOR MY EYES, if I do incisional, good chance I'll get more hollow which is not the ideal result he would like to give me... So he used non incisional but gave me an "extra deep suture" that really supports the previous crease etc. He did warn me that the con of this is yes, due to my hollowness, there COULD be a chance of loosening. If that's the case, he will have to use the alternative method in a few months. So he wants me to come back in about 2-3 months to check up on me.

It's day 6 and I hardly had any bruises or redness since Day 1 except massive swelling. It's healing nicely but I still look like an alien since I also got a nose job. I'll write a more thorough review later.

Hi ihccoos,

I'm planning on getting eyelid revision with Dr. Kim as well but started reading that more and more people on soompi seemed to be displeased with his work on their eyes. I'm worried that he might not do a good job but I don't live in LA so I'm worried that this might not be a good choice for me. Can I hear about your experience with his work on your revision?

Hi ihccoos,

I'm planning on getting eyelid revision with Dr. Kim as well but started reading that more and more people on soompi seemed to be displeased with his work on their eyes. I'm worried that he might not do a good job but I don't live in LA so I'm worried that this might not be a good choice for me. Can I hear about your experience with his work on your revision?


In soompi, they talking about Dr. Kim at BK clinic not Dr. Kim in LA. A lot of bad reviews for Dr. Kim at BK Clinic in Korea.