Am I Overreacting?? Advice sought....

no, you did not over-react.. your actions were appropriate and justified.. you go to work to work, and not to be harassed.... i am glad that you spoke up.. i hope things improve at work..
Ohmy Gosh!!! That's so disgusting!! I hate creepy old men who think it's okay to do stuff like this. He needs to be fired. It is simply not acceptable, and you should not be made to feel uncomfortable every time you are around him. That's distracting and not something you should have to worry about in a workplace environment or anywhere else.

I hope something gets done and that it is quick and painless for you.
You def. did the right thing. I can't believe they've had complaints on him before with out doing anything. Actions should be immediate, so if nothing has changed, my only advice is to lawyer up! Esp. if they've already had complaints about him and failed to act responsibly... that's a pretty major issue. Good luck with all of this!
Thanks again everyone! You know, the company that "Fred" works for is one of the largest in the world and you would think they would have acted on the previous complaints. The potential for liability on their part is huge!

It will be interesting to see what happens when I call on this particular store on Thursday. I will keep everyone posted!
OMG! You did not overreact!! That guy is a complete and total *******. What he did was sexual harassment. I don't know how he got your schedule but that in itself is creepy. I'm so sorry this happened to you hun. :sad: It must have been awful...

That man needs to get fired. :cursing:

I'm so sorry to hear about this situation. People are so inappropriate in the boggles my mind. First and foremost, understand that you have NOT overreacted. It's obvious that to sickos like "Fred", your failure to act (i.e. report him to HR) means that you're ok with his advances or that perhaps you may come around one day and agree to date him. His unwanted advances, most notably touching your hand and invading your personal space should not be taken lightly. Considering the amount of time that this has been going on, he's made it clear that he isn't backing down. I agree with the other posters' comments. DO NOT ever allow a situation to arise in which you'll be alone with him. Good luck. Keep us posted.
NOT AT ALL! What he did was TOTALLY inappropriate! I suggest you keep bugging HR until they do something about this! Sexual harrassment is against the law! So sorry you had this experience!
I would tell HR if they do not do anything about this horrible incident you will get your lawyer involved....this is totally unacceptable and humiliating! What a f*%king dirty old perverted sleazeball!...I would have slapped his face so hard it'd knock him on his ass then I'd scream at the top of my lungs and give him hell right then and there! God!:cursing: what makes that creepy idiot think that a pretty young intelligent woman would be interested in a creepy dirty old loser!!...what nerve, makes me sick!:yucky: It just burns me up, because my 20 yr old niece had to go through something like this, that "moron" messed with the wrong girl! I taught her well, thank god!:yes:
Omg! You totally did not overreact! The guy sounds like a real sleaze ball! You should probably call your HR on a regular basis and see what the status is of the complaint you filed. If they take no action against this creep you should probably see an attorney and possibly contact the police. This guy sounds dangerous! I agree with the others pick up some mace! Good luck!
Absolutely correct to file a complaint. Harrassment is harrassment and it applies to your clients as well as colleagues/superiors at the company you work for. What a sleeze bag. Glad you are taking action. Hugs and let us know what happens!
"Fred" was terminated today.

I met with store management to discuss my formal complaint/statement. Apparently, a few other female co-workers within the store somehow heard about the situation and also stepped forward since I filed the complaint. I was even told that CUSTOMERS had complained about his "over friendliness" in the past. So he was harassing not only sales reps(which is what I am), but also customers and co-workers.

Management could no longer turn a blind eye to this man's blatant and repeated sexual harassment. I felt guilty for about a second--but, the bottomline is that he is a grown man who understands consequences. His termination was the consequence to his own stupidity!!!
Yessss!!!!!!!!!!!!:wlae: :yahoo: :wlae:

You have saved so many other fellow female employees from Fred's harassment. Lord knows how far he might have taken it with someone else!!! Don't guilt-trip. It was his fault!!!
I'm so glad to hear that Fred was terminated. I'm disgusted that it took not just you, but other female coworkers and CUSTOMERS (you've got to be kidding me. I'm a non-practicing attorney and I cannot believe the liability issues they opened themselves up to!).

Don't feel guilty for even a milisecond - he is the one who got himself fired!!

Just glad you're ok and be proud that because of your actions, other women there won't have to deal with him.
I'm so glad to hear that Fred was terminated. I'm disgusted that it took not just you, but other female coworkers and CUSTOMERS (you've got to be kidding me. I'm a non-practicing attorney and I cannot believe the liability issues they opened themselves up to!).

Don't feel guilty for even a milisecond - he is the one who got himself fired!!

Just glad you're ok and be proud that because of your actions, other women there won't have to deal with him.

I think the store was very afraid of a lawsuit. We're talking about one of the world's largest discount retailers here...