Alexander Skarsgård XVI

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It's funny, most of the pics we see would have you think that Skars always travels alone but I think it's the crop on the shots. Keith, Bjorne, etc., are probably always in the background.

This is true with the luggage as well, not that he takes 10 peices with him, but it usually only looks like he goes with a carryon and that's probably not true in all cases.

And Kaiser likes him again:

"Here are some photos from last night’s screening of The East in NYC. I’ve lovingly culled all of the attractive photos of Alexander Skarsgard, but you should know something… he looked AMAZING at this event. He looked so good that I’m actually starting to regret calling his style “dirtbaggy” (although his casual style is pretty scruffy). This is what Alex looks like when he tries. This is what he looks like when he showers and wears clean clothes and tries to look professional. He’s beautiful. And HOT.:"
I really recommend to watch this video about the East. :smile:
I don´t know how to post videos here so here is the link:

This is from Vanity Fair:
Alexander Skarsgård and The East Filmmakers on Casting the Summer’s Most Inspiring Thriller

In an exclusive video, Brit Marling, Alexander Skarsgård, Ellen Page, and Julia Ormond discuss the casting process behind The East, in U.S. theaters May 31, 2013. One of the most thrilling films to premiere at this year's Sundance Film Festival, The East is a morally complicated drama about an anarchist collective who holds major corporations accountable for their actions.


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I guess I agree to disagree here. I think Alex is low-key but his profile is really high because of his projects lately. I think that's the difference between the man and the actor. He's got to live in LA at the moment because of TB, but his purchase of the house was not that expensive, in fact pretty modest by LA standards (and he got it on sale).

Anyhow, it'd be boring if everyone here had the same opinion.

Free, I totally agree with you. There needs to be an understanding of how expensive real estate is in HW. My uncle owned a house in the HW hills for 63 years. It was a nice but very average ranch style house and not really updated at all. When he died 3 years ago, his house sold for $3.4 million dollars. Alex didn't splurge on some outrageous home. He got a nice small house with a great view in the hills. He's not living in one of the giant mansions in Beverly Hills or Malibu. Plus he's paying double taxes and owning a home gives him some write offs. Also, I don't think he bought his Porsche, I think he leases his cars and then trades them in for something different. That would explain the Audies and BMW only being around for a year or so. Actors are able to write off the lease as a business expense if they drive to locations. He is anything but excessive in his spending. Compared to what I'm used to seeing where I live, he's very frugal.
I really recommend to watch this video about the East. :smile:
I don´t know how to post videos here so here is the link:

This is from Vanity Fair:
Alexander Skarsgård and The East Filmmakers on Casting the Summer’s Most Inspiring Thriller

In an exclusive video, Brit Marling, Alexander Skarsgård, Ellen Page, and Julia Ormond discuss the casting process behind The East, in U.S. theaters May 31, 2013. One of the most thrilling films to premiere at this year's Sundance Film Festival, The East is a morally complicated drama about an anarchist collective who holds major corporations accountable for their actions.

I sort of wish that he'd worn the maroon pants to the premiere, or at least the after party. :P

"To prepare for his role as a corporation-baiting anarchist in The East, Alexander Skarsgård didn’t ride the rails or join an anarchist collective. “I was already scheduled to film Disconnect and What Maisie Knew, two other films, so I basically had to do all my preparation from my trailer on-set here in New York, or in my hotel room, while shooting,” the True Blood star said at a screening on Monday...

Marling, who also stars, had a very practical reason for writing the script, together with director Zal Batmangilij. “I only started writing in order to act,” she told VF Daily. Also, Hollywood is very competitive. “If anybody writes a good part for a girl, there’s dozens of talented girls competing for it, so if you become a writer, you can kind of ensure that you have a job that year,” Marling said, laughing.

One interesting aspect of a female-written script: the gratuitous nude scenes in this film are all of Alexander Skarsgård.

Skarsgård’s scruffy anarchist sports cringe-worthy long hair and facial hair, which he thought was perfect for the militant character. But viewers will be happy to know that—to serve the plot—he eventually ditches the wig and beard and goes back to his handsome self. “I’m glad it wasn’t for the entire film,” Skarsgård admitted at an after-party hosted by Piaget. “Because it was so itchy and uncomfortable and horrible. And so it was kind of a relief once I got rid of it.”
I am sorry if people misinterpreted my point - I don't think AS lives an especially lavish lifestyle for one in his income bracket - his house is no BelAir mansion etc - my comments were IN GENERAL re: the lifestyles of the HWood rich and famous - 1) many of these actors are total phonies in that they craft a particular kind of image whilst living in ways that totally contradict that image 2) there is a ostentatiousness about much of the HWood lifestyle that seems uncool to me - example - one used to see the women in their $5,000 designer dresses at the oscars (borrowed dresses certainly) and then they would wear the same dress to the after parties - now - they wear one $5,000 dress to the oscar show then change into another $5,000 (okay - LOL - maybe $3,000) dress for the after parties. The parties themselves are insanely lavish - and this seems inappropriate to me in a time when millions are out of work and we have unprecedented numbers of families on food stamps - a little restraint and sensitivity seems to me called for. To flaunt such wealth while so many others are suffering and then talk about how hipply eco friendly or aligned with the poor you are whilst wearing your $3,000 pair of Jimmy Choos is major league phony. AS does not do this that I know of - but many others do.
I've always thought he gets much of the stuff he wears from Acne, Hope, Filippa K and V Ave Shoe Repair for free. I don't see a problem with that at all - all brands do it and it seems to be the clothes he'd wear anyway. I don't know how much non-Alex fans would research what he's wearing but I think he's the obvious choice for these brands if they want to promote themselves abroad.

(Source: characteristicallyexuberant tumblr)

Tku again for taking the time to post the additional photos :P

He's looking very good in these pics, lots of pics of his eyes, or I'm noticing them more than usual this time.

I see Keith trying to hide back there, not working.

I think it's because his hair is slightly blonder - I like :P very much.

It's funny, most of the pics we see would have you think that Skars always travels alone but I think it's the crop on the shots. Keith, Bjorne, etc., are probably always in the background.

It is very sad to travel alone and it is lovely to have a good friend, (or two?), to hang with when official duties are finished :smile: The paps need to understand our needs, the odd wide angle shot would reassure that all is well in Skars World.

This is true with the luggage as well, not that he takes 10 peices with him, but it usually only looks like he goes with a carryon and that's probably not true in all cases.

And Kaiser likes him again:

"Here are some photos from last night’s screening of The East in NYC. I’ve lovingly culled all of the attractive photos of Alexander Skarsgard, but you should know something… he looked AMAZING at this event. He looked so good that I’m actually starting to regret calling his style “dirtbaggy” (although his casual style is pretty scruffy). This is what Alex looks like when he tries. This is what he looks like when he showers and wears clean clothes and tries to look professional. He’s beautiful. And HOT.:"

Kaiser is a complete puzzle to me. I can't think of a single occasion when Alex hasn't looked drop dead gorgeous at an official event. Although she is obv not a fan of ScruffSkars, it is his free time, and no matter how old and tired his clothes, he always looks clean and showered.

I really recommend to watch this video about the East. 'smile1:
I don´t know how to post videos here so here is the link:

This is from Vanity Fair:
Alexander Skarsgård and The East Filmmakers on Casting the Summer’s Most Inspiring Thriller

In an exclusive video, Brit Marling, Alexander Skarsgård, Ellen Page, and Julia Ormond discuss the casting process behind The East, in U.S. theaters May 31, 2013. One of the most thrilling films to premiere at this year's Sundance Film Festival, The East is a morally complicated drama about an anarchist collective who holds major corporations accountable for their actions.

Tku very much for posting the vid link :smile: (I don't know how to post non YouTube either)

I sort of wish that he'd worn the maroon pants to the premiere, or at least the after party. :P

"To prepare for his role as a corporation-baiting anarchist in The East, Alexander Skarsgård didn’t ride the rails or join an anarchist collective. “I was already scheduled to film Disconnect and What Maisie Knew, two other films, so I basically had to do all my preparation from my trailer on-set here in New York, or in my hotel room, while shooting,” the True Blood star said at a screening on Monday...

Marling, who also stars, had a very practical reason for writing the script, together with director Zal Batmangilij. “I only started writing in order to act,” she told VF Daily. Also, Hollywood is very competitive. “If anybody writes a good part for a girl, there’s dozens of talented girls competing for it, so if you become a writer, you can kind of ensure that you have a job that year,” Marling said, laughing.

One interesting aspect of a female-written script: the gratuitous nude scenes in this film are all of Alexander Skarsgård.

Skarsgård’s scruffy anarchist sports cringe-worthy long hair and facial hair, which he thought was perfect for the militant character. But viewers will be happy to know that—to serve the plot—he eventually ditches the wig and beard and goes back to his handsome self. “I’m glad it wasn’t for the entire film,” Skarsgård admitted at an after-party hosted by Piaget. “Because it was so itchy and uncomfortable and horrible. And so it was kind of a relief once I got rid of it.”"]

:roflmfao: yeah those maroon pants are safely packed away with the shark sweatshirt.

Yes, we love gratuitous nude scenes of Alexander Skarsgård although I've yet to see a 'fan' review that mentions them :cool:


And tku KitKath70, cate1949, and Idun for your interesting and well reasoned comments. (I couldn't 'quote reply' as I think there is a limit to the number of qr's in a single post) :cool:

And that 8 image limit thing is going to drive me insane - I spend so much time debugging my replies sometimes it hardly seems worth it, grr, 'pointystickthing'
Anyone want to play Spot the Swede? :lolots::lol::lol::lolots:

OMD live @ Coachella , April 2013:

You know, the Skarsbeast is hot, but it's his true status as music-dork that gets me going. Bless him and his total inability to blend into a crowd.

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