blonde hair and brown eyes is it even a genetic possiblity


Jun 23, 2007
Just looking a hairstyles on the net for inspiration and a pic of Jessica Simpson came up. Iv read numerous times that she doesn't actually dye her whole hair, she just gets highlights. But i always thought that natural blondes (all shades of the spectrum) had bluey/greeny eyes? Anyone know for certain?
Heeeey Sass!

Absolutely - I work with a brown-eyed blonde now and I went to school with two of 'em when I was a kid - it shows up especially when people are kids, as blondes tend to get darker as they get older.

It's probably more common than you think!
Thats what I thought Vogue! I studied stuff like this in class recently and we discussed the whole blonde and blue/green eyed stuff. Ive never see anyone with brown eyes who is a natural blonde. Plenty of fake blondes though!
Well Jessica had blonde hair as a child and then it got darker, so she does highlight it but it's all over her head so she might as well be dying it.

And yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a blonde w/ brown eyes but I'm sure they exist.
Absolutely we exist! My eyes are def. brown and my hair was very very blonde when I was young, but as I have gotten older, like a lot of blondes it has gotten darker to where it's now a dark/dirty blonde-light brown color. I would still consider myself a brown-eyed blonde, though.
Eye and hair color are not dependent on one another. Genetics are a little bit more complicated than "if you have blonde hair then you probably have blue or green eyes" !
This is an interesting topic. Blonde hair and blue eyes are genetically linked. Brown eyes and blonde hair are not and have a lesser statistically likehood.
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