2017 resolution - shopping my own bag and wallet collection. Any one else?

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I found a new way to kill my bag purchase instinct. I listed a several sought after brand bags for +5-10 % higher than market price so they won't sell easily, instead, I get continuously ridiculous offers. The pattern goes that the potential buyer bombar me with numerous enquiries and after 20-30 messages lenghtly conversations they ask 80-90 % price cut. This is a good tactic to tire me out to take their offers but I have my hidden agenda on Pause Peninsula so they are doing me a favour. I have purchased a larger wallet till now only so I can get rid of my 2 smaller wallets.

*dissappearing back to chill out on Pause Peninsula
Spark, how about you list your clothes (& accessories and costume/fashion jewelry!) on eBay in one big lot? Take individual photos and then mix and match all your unwanted clothes and accessories in 'outfits' just on the floor in whimsical poses (unless you have a mannequin), and post all the photos as ideas of possible outfits to pair the items together into cool looks. It's actually kind of fun. Then you get rid of the whole box of stuff to one buyer in one fell swoop. The key for success here is that you only need to find one person (or better yet a few to bid against each other) who is the same size as you and who has a similar style as the clothes, and they will likely be interested in all of it together. I have bought lots of clothes like that before and of course the amount per item is very cheap for the buyer but the convenience to the seller is very good and you still get a little chunk of cash!
Wow! So many posts from when I last peeked in. Met with MBA "sisters", not sorority sisters in any way, just an endearment we use after spending long hours together for case studies and group work during our school days. We graduated almost 15 years ago!!

Anyway, we met for lunch at this upscale but casual restaurant in a new development area in the metro. First time for me to see so many Hermes bags in the flesh in one place!!! B, K and Picotin. Maybe I missed some still.

And what's nice with the place, they have this bag basket that they offer their customers. Here's my AMQ in it. Nice touch!
I found this awesome local high end consignment store and when I'm off my ban I'll drop by more often for some really great pieces!

I live for those.
I only have one within two hours of me and it is not the best. Sigh. I do however not need anything and I spend so much time scouring children flea markets for high end high quality clothes for my kids in excellent condition at a fraction of the price that I don't think I have the patience left to search for myself much!
Actually I do need something. I need to find my athletic shoes so I can start going to the gym I just joined but I have no idea where they are. I'm about to just buy new ones but guaranteed I will find my own pairs instantly if I do. I haven't done exercise besides yoga since 2014 so those sneakers could be anywhere.
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Ok on the shoe theme.
Soramillay was saying she is hard on shoes. And thedeesr as well! I have the opposite problems as those moms ---this mom never wears through shoes in under 12 years. I just tossed a pair I bought in 2004 and I actually secretly ruined them in December on purpose by wearing them with no socks for an entire 3 week trip to the US until the inside heel got shredded from friction. They were shearling boots that managed to go with anything and be comfortable always and warm always and just perfect but I could not consider owning them for another dozen years. I sabotaged them so I could throw them out because Oh good lord that was enough of those. They are very high quality Pertti Palmroth by the way in case anyone wants to know the brand.
Anyway, this drives me crazy that I have shoes from my early twenties still in the closet not worn out yet. I occasionally buy a pair of boots (I get lots of winter) and occasionally a pair of shoes and if you do this for fifteen years since college you end up with dozens of shoes and with so many to rotate through they really never wear out. Ever.
I found jimmy choo shearling knee high boots in Manhattan in 2009 and bought them in black and camel so three thousand for the two pairs and I'm starting to get sick of those but I am INVESTED. Plus they are 110% me in style and needs so why would I toss? I rarely buy but when I do I invest and then it takes ages for me to be done with them emotionally and physically. Ages!
I am so irritated by this because I wish I occasionally needed to buy footwear. But I never do.

The same with my winter toscana shearling collection (see a theme?)....I have been also adding different colors in the same style toscana shearling coat since I was 24, now i have 4 of them and the only one that starts to look worn is my first one, the black. And at what point do I decide it needs to be donated and get a new one? Besides maybe it just needs to be cleaned and I do not know how to do that or where to take it. I'm lazy so I just keep rotating and not care. It's usually so dark out this time of year that no one would be able to notice that my coat is not so brand new looking.
But now I have the same issue - no excuse to coat shop. I have outerwear that is perfect for me and perfect for every situation in my life and none of it seems to need replacing ever. Boo! No fun!

I also did a wardrobe overhaul in the last decade and now have everything in my 3 favorite natural fibers and in one specific flattering palette and everything that is not very flattering & comfy is gone so I can't seem to whittle down my wardrobe nor find any holes to fill. Bah!!!!
Worst thing for never needing to shop is that I have a sewing room and can alter and repair anything.

I also have already collected the jewelry I want and feel it is enough. I scratched that itch and it's done. An occasional pair of fashion earrings and I am fine.
My shawls and scarves I honed in on my favorite fibers and colors and styles and now have enough. Ditto for hats.
I built up my grown up collection of matching bra sets in my twenties and have a zillion ; although they do occasionally wear out. Maybe one day I can justify a new bra but I need to get out of nursing bras first. Definitely new panties on occasion but I found hanky pankys years ago and bought a lifetime collection of them so I'm kind of set there too.

I have a fancy gown in my closet from 2000 that I can still rock, or when I stop breastfeeding will be able to again and I anyway never have need for a fancy dress. A few other full gowns. I have a couple dozen less full on formal dresses but again, never need them.
So formalwear is covered. Even premier heels to go with them.

I have shopproofed my life!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!

Gloves and sunglasses though, that I could use more of. I have one glorious pair of Miami Jim sunnies (aviators) that are perfect but scratched; need more. And I'm awful about losing gloves. But I don't know when I'll ever splurge on them. I get so few sunny days per year.

I did do something to try to curb the urge to buy a bag though. I bought tickets to America for the summer and am choosing now a beach house to rent with a college friend and her kids. I can tell myself budget needs to go for that!!

And......I scheduled a renewal of my eyebrows (they are the 'permanent' tattoos that last only 3-5 years) for next week and a leg lasering session as well, to zap the follicles on my legs so I can exercise these next few months without needing to check if I need to shave my legs for public exposure, and then just before summer vacation I will do it again for a hassle free summer of hairless legs (and then let's see next autumn if I do it again or if the hair has been already reduced so much that it isn't visible anymore). I hate to shave or wax so I've been slowly investing in permanent hair removal and I'm finally embarking on the legs. So worth it to permanently reduce the amount of unwanted hair that grows in unsightly places! If you are very lazy like me.

Aaaaand bed is covered in baby vomit.
LOL! That means you got your CPW down! :tup: If he gets sick of a bag, just tell him to buy you another. ;)

I'm surprised you don't carry her in the winter. The caviar is so sturdy that this bag is one I actually do feel ok carrying in the gross sludge. But whew! This weather is getting me down. :frown: I'm not so used to the grey skies all winter. Cold is bad enough. The grey is killing me.
I with you on the grey skies.
I used a black Prada wallet for 4 years, because black goes with everything. But finally I was just plain sick and tired of boring black!
So for my birthday last month I asked for this BV Mini French Flap in China Red, which I have decided is a neutral. :coolio: I am absolutely thrilled with it! It's small enough that it fits in nearly all my bags, and if I'm using a teensy bag it's because I'm dressing up, which means I only need to take $20, my driver's license, and one CC in a sweet little pink Ferragamo card case.
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This is lovely what does the inside look like?
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