Big day: inside an $80,000 wedding - comments please

I see everyone's point about being able to afford it and all, but some people can't afford an expensive wedding and do it anyway. I have known of people who were still paying debts related to their wedding well after the marriage had broken up!
That makes sense,everything these days are becoming expensive. I had a earlier talk to my mother about this,she was asking me how I can spend half of my allowance in 10 days,and JUST staying at home. If they had the money more power to them.
Whatever tickles their fancy. I don't really believe in spending so much money on one day...I'd rather use the money that I would have spent on a big invenstment for us, like a house or a car...Something that we didn't have but would eventually need.

We're getting married at the courthouse for now...Dunno if we'll ever have a church wedding :shrugs:
Hmmm... that's good for them. If they want to do that then go ahead.
I didn't read everything, but I think I'm the odd one. I personally prefer a SMALL wedding, ie: my parents, grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousin, and something like this on the guy's side of the family. Or actually, even better, just the guy and I. I don't need and I don't want a lavish rehearsal and wedding. I don't even need a ring.
I think it's fine since it's their wedding and their money. If someone wants to get married in a drive through in vegas or shell out a million bucks then good for them. I cherished the memory of my one day. I don't regret a moment of it and would do it all over again. Like I told my cousin, "I don't recall asking you to help me financially. Why should it matter to you how much it costs? Actually, when have I ever asked you for money?"
I went to a wedding this past summer for a close family friend, and they had over 600 guests. It took two hotels to house everyone, each level of each hotel had a courtesy room filled with gourmet food, each hotel room had a big basket of welcoming items, the rehearsal dinner was for over 100 people at a ridiculously nice country club, the church itself could only hold 170 people, so only the family members could attend (everyone else attended the reception), the reception took up TWO FLOORS of a hotel, there were god so many tables, with elegant food, three huge cakes, multiple bars, and a huge portrait (literally, over 7 feet tall) of the bride in the reception room. And in the morning, they held a big breakfast for everyone...and come to find out, they also held ANOTHER dinner that night for 200+ people. My Mom made it very clear to me that I will never, ever see another wedding like this in my life, and she is no doubt darn right, lol. It was a huge greek family, a big greek wedding (harhar), and while it was immensely fun (lots of dancing, lol, lots of umpa-ing), that wedding was well over $180,000. It was the most ridiculously, though amazing thing I've ever seen.

I think I'll just take a nice little party, no ceremony, but amazing food for everyone...
Eh. My first wedding was in the 80's and ran over $100,000. Had maybe 100 people. Gorgeous gown, food, music, etc.

Notice I said "FIRST" wedding. Lasted not even 3 years.

2nd wedding, we went to the court house, paid for it ourselves ($40) and threw a party at the house we'd bought 4 years earlier. Going on 17 years.

Expensive weddings are part of the industry. It's a fantasty being sold to women; you DON'T need it. Sadly, many feel they MOST have it though, or their day will not be perfect.