I am SO NOT happy!!! Lost auction to Professional reseller...

that sucks. that's why i usually go for items with a "buy it now" option. that way, no one can outbid me. what i've also found that works, is ask the seller if they have a buy it now price, or if they are willing to accept offers. 9 times out of 10, they'll do one or the other for you.
That sucks! But it's not that much of a discount anyway- might as well just buy a new one. And I would highly reccommend sniping- since starting, I've never gone back to outright bidding. I always use biddingscheduler.com beacuse it's free :P
Ugh! So sorry that you got outbid...I have a good idea of who that seller is. :cursing:

I know everything is fair game on ebay, but I know how frustrating it can be if you get outbid on something YOU really want...