Mom and sis giving me hell for owning LV

I think this is it. Maybe she thinks that you should not buy luxury items because you are still at home since you can't afford a place of your own.
Enjoy your bag but perhaps don't splurge again before you move out and are truly independent.

(I'm 35 and still hide stuff from my mom, although there is really no reason to, except that she would give me a look. You're not alone ;) )

I agree with this too. She's probably wondering why you're spending $800 on a bag when it could go towards a place of your own which I think is valid if you're still living at home.

I'm 34 and own the house that I live in and I still hide stuff from my mom too but it's not because I can't afford it. I just don't care to hear what she has to say so I don't use any luxury items when I'm around her.
I get that from my co-workers a lot.... I am so used to hearing..."i would never spend more than $50 on a bag" or "it' s just a bag you know" or "that's a mortgage" or "that's 2 month's worth of groceries"... I don't honestly do not care and neither should you... Enjoy your bag.... you only live once you know.
BTW, my mom and sisters do NOT give me grief over my LV's... My sister (younger one) loves LV's too... the older one is into Gucci... My mom doesn't complain because she gets my preloved ones.... LOL... I guess she wouldn't complain no?? :graucho:
I am 28 and I get grief from people too about my bags and I work a full time job and work like a dog for my money. Its your money, you worked hard, you aren't in debt, you earned it and you need to walk proudly with your speedy in your arm :smile:
Maybe she thinks that you should not buy luxury items because you are still at home since you can't afford a place of your own.

Yeah, that's what I was trying to get at too .... if the OP lives at home, then she's not really "paying everything for herself".

Huge disclaimer: Mind you, none of us are her parents, so it doesn't matter what we think. Hubby and I are already hoping our own daughter will live at home durring college (we have about 8 colleges/universities in easy driving distance -- we're extremely lucky in that sense). Heck, I lived at home myself during college. And I obviously have no problem believing a younger person can have, or even deserves an LV (obviously, the pochette that we, as parents, believe our daughter earned with her black belt).

But with that as a disclaimer .... many people would argue that one is not really paying "everything" for themselves, as long as they're living under another person's roof. It's an important distinction to many. :flowers:

haha i wish!! I go to school in the city and there's noo way i'd be able to afford living on my own

That is exactly why she is dismayed at your purchase. I agree with her and do not think you are in a position to spend on luxury items. As you know, it is very expensive to live on your own and to be 100% responsible for yourself financially. If you do not have enough in savings now to live on your own, then you do not have enough money to be buying luxury.

Also, while she is providing for you financially, your spending habits are a direct reflection of the household. If she is managing the household finances to pay utilities, to keep the fridge full, and making the mortgage payment (perhaps all the while foregoing spending money on herself) than your prancing out of the house carrying a Speedy is just wrong.

For some reason this brings to mind when I drive by run-down falling apart neighborhoods or low income apartment or government subsidized housing and see BMWs and Mercedes in driveways. I realize your situation is not this extreme.
Your mom has a valid concern about how you spend your money since you are still in school......however, to harp on and on about it is rather abusive, IMO.

She has made her point. Why does she keep beating you over the head with it?
Stay strong, girl :kiss:
justify, justify, justify - think of how much money they spend per year on cheap bags that fall apart. you re investing in a piece that will last you for years and will not go out of style. in the end, THEY'RE the ones throwing away money :yes::yes:
I don't care what people think about me. I don't have the time to care about others' feelings for my bags. As long as I'm spending my own hard earn money, as long as I'm happy. I don't think there's a problem. Everyone has the rights to handle their own money right? Everyone has the rights to buy things they like! :biggrin:
justify, justify, justify - think of how much money they spend per year on cheap bags that fall apart. you re investing in a piece that will last you for years and will not go out of style. in the end, THEY'RE the ones throwing away money :yes::yes:

C'mon let's be honest. A $50 bag can last for a few years without falling apart and many can last for ten years. I don't think I ever had a bag "fall apart." Ever.
I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing. I'm also living at home while going to college (which my parents encourage). They are not helping pay for any of my school which many parents (at least where I live) pay for all of their child's education. My mom thinks that as long as I'm working, which I work 20-35 hours a week while going to school for nursing, paying car insurance, and for my school that it is up to me how I spend my money (even tho she thinks LV is unnecessary.) I can afford to save for 1,000 bag once or twice a year, I couldn't pay 500+ for rent, food, car insurance, and school while living on my own without taking out lots of loans.

However, if I wasn't going to school she would NOT let me live at home rent free. In that case I wouldn't be able to spend my money however I choose. That is how she encourages me to go to school so that I can afford to live on my own and take care of myself someday. She also knows that being able to purchase LV and other things I love that I can't afford often now motivate me to further my education.