Authenticate This Chloe

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KatrinaSlack - hi - the inner heatstamp should have 'Chloe' Made in Italy - the ones on the outer - its unusual to have Made in Italy - it would normally only be 'Chloe'. I've looked at a few Python Betty's to check and none that I've checked have had this Made in Italy. So that is certainly an anomally. The inner serial/date tag for me too is anomallous - it doesn't look quite right. Also the engraving and in fact - I think the shape of the inner zipper - photo 10 or 32 - looks ever so slightly 'off' in terms of shape.

Python skin itself can vary - and it does depend on where it may have been stored etc. Some of the skins can appear drier than others. If you truly want Python skin TDF - then buy a Zagliani - infused with collagen - and they just don't feel like Python - but they have the most delicious feel to them.

Right now - I can't authenticate this Python Betty - as I do have concerns - and really would like to hear more opinons on this one.

hi KatrinaSlack, adding some more opinions to help. Some are just observations as i only have a large betty, and a small chain handle betty. Anyway, my biggest concern is the shape of the external pockets. They are noticeably rounded. I'm surprised this bag got past authentication? Did it as you mention? The large zip tag should only have Chloe on it as mine does. Also both of mine have a brass ring pull for the inner pocket. I dont have the medium size to compare however. Hoping a lady with the medium can comment on that

The change purse has the chloe heat stamp along the 'spine' edge, like a book. Your photos dont show this area so its hard to tell.
Hi Ladies

Please can you cast your expert eyes over this one. I have requested all the extra photos and am awaiting a reply.

seller chupachupchar
item 110452792981

I have done a bit of research and found that this bag was previously purchased from Ebay back in July. I have tried the "search thread" tool but have drawn a blank as to whether it has previously been authenticated.

previous details

seller aurora070707
item 300330494609


a couple of photo I have recieved - still awaiting the others


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Reactions: Real Authentication
Hello all, could I please get your input again on the Chloe Betty python. After coming to the conclusion that it was fake, I contacted the seller. The seller has provided this receipt: receipt/
There were just so many things that pointed to the bag not being authentic - how do I know this receipt is not from another bag?
Oh boy, I am struggling with this!
Original linke to photos: betty/
and more: issues/
  • Like
Reactions: Real Authentication
Hello all, could I please get your input again on the Chloe Betty python. After coming to the conclusion that it was fake, I contacted the seller. The seller has provided this receipt: receipt/
There were just so many things that pointed to the bag not being authentic - how do I know this receipt is not from another bag?
Oh boy, I am struggling with this!
Original linke to photos: betty/
and more: issues/
Oh, a receipt can be faked and are faked and it doesn't prove anything at all. And those receipts by Chloé Moscow are very often used by certain sellers who offer fakes. Could you maybe post the original link of the auction, or if it was not an auction, tell us where you got the bag from? I would be interested to know as I've watched a seller on ebay offering fakes on a regular basis always claiming the bags were from Chloé Moscow.

The reverse of the round tag wouldbe interesting to see, too!
Hi Ladies

Please can you cast your expert eyes over this one. I have requested all the extra photos and am awaiting a reply.

seller chupachupchar
item 110452792981

I have done a bit of research and found that this bag was previously purchased from Ebay back in July. I have tried the "search thread" tool but have drawn a blank as to whether it has previously been authenticated.

previous details

seller aurora070707
item 300330494609


a couple of photo I have recieved - still awaiting the others


Bag could be Ok, but pics are not good enough, as you are probably aware of. We need to see the additional pics, hopefully in better quality and showing all the necessary details.
hi KatrinaSlack, adding some more opinions to help. Some are just observations as i only have a large betty, and a small chain handle betty. Anyway, my biggest concern is the shape of the external pockets. They are noticeably rounded. I'm surprised this bag got past authentication? Did it as you mention? The large zip tag should only have Chloe on it as mine does. Also both of mine have a brass ring pull for the inner pocket. I dont have the medium size to compare however. Hoping a lady with the medium can comment on that

The change purse has the chloe heat stamp along the 'spine' edge, like a book. Your photos dont show this area so its hard to tell.

Rowe55 - Hi - thanks for commenting. I've highlighted your point re authentication. This Python Betty was NOT authenticated here on the AT Thread prior to purchase - and although initially - when the album was posted - brigitte0810 thought it looked ok - brigitte0810 has since checked the additional photos and has now said she has concerns.

The change purse - it does NOT have the 'Chloe' heatstamp on it as far as Katrina.Slack can see, nor does it have a stamp inside.

Oh, a receipt can be faked and are faked and it doesn't prove anything at all. And those receipts by Chloé Moscow are very often used by certain sellers who offer fakes. Could you maybe post the original link of the auction, or if it was not an auction, tell us where you got the bag from? I would be interested to know as I've watched a seller on ebay offering fakes on a regular basis always claiming the bags were from Chloé Moscow.

The reverse of the round tag wouldbe interesting to see, too!

brigitte0810 - Hi - here's the link to the original EBay listing
Hello all, could I please get your input again on the Chloe Betty python. After coming to the conclusion that it was fake, I contacted the seller. The seller has provided this receipt: receipt/
There were just so many things that pointed to the bag not being authentic - how do I know this receipt is not from another bag?
Oh boy, I am struggling with this!
Original linke to photos: betty/
and more: issues/

KatrinaSlack - Hi there - The receipt - you don't know it is for a Python and the numbers show same as tag. HOWEVER, I think the font of 'Chloe' on the 'till' receipt looks odd - and I'd really like if someone else could 'chime in' on this point.

I've seen a number of sellers offering counterfeits and the receipts are purported to be via Chloe in Moscow - and TBH - a receipt isn't a guarantee of authenticity - as they can be and are faked with monotonous regularity.

In essence, there are 4 of us who regularly authenticate who have issues with this Betty - and another couple of girls who have Betty's have 'chimed in'. Right now - I can't be confident that this Python Betty is authentic. Whilst I appreciate that Chloe do unfortunately have many anomallies in their manufacturing - for me - there are too many in order for me to be definitive - i.e., say this is authentic.
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