Ysl quality questions


Aug 31, 2013
Hi! I saw the large Triquilt at bloomdales and fell in love with it! I was looking for a preloved one, but even on realreal most I found have pealing on the corners. I purchased a few used wallets and they also had slight pealing on the edges. Did the owners just not take the best care of them? Or is this a quality control issue? I have a vtg Chanel caviar tote from the 90s with zero pealing so I don’t know if to forgo my ysl bag and just put the money towards a Chanel. Thank you!
Here’s my response to a similar thread where I’ve quoted all my other responses to other threads regarding my experience with my YSL envelope bag.

It includes photos of wearing and tear as well.

Hi thank you so much! I screen shot one of you pics I hope that’s ok haha. This is the wear I was referring to! I saw a bag that this pealing had happened ALL along the edges. Has the pealing continued? Or is it still the same? In pebbled leather this could probably just be touched up with black paint, in this material it has like a coating on it so I don’t think black paint would work :/. You’ve taken amazing care of it! IMG_8260.png
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Hi thank you so much! I screen shot one of you pics I hope that’s ok haha. This is the wear I was referring to! I saw a bag that this pealing had happened ALL along the edges. Has the pealing continued? Or is it still the same? In pebbled leather this could probably just be touched up with black paint, in this material it has like a coating on it so I don’t think black paint would work :/. You’ve taken amazing care of it! View attachment 5999764

There is no such colour as a uniform black. Even though it's an easier colour to match than others, the paint could be browner/bluer/lighter than the bag's original colour. It could also be shinier or be more matte. It may look OK in one light but really look odd in another. The way round that is to leather-paint all the way around the edge and not just a patch job.
Hi thank you so much! I screen shot one of you pics I hope that’s ok haha. This is the wear I was referring to! I saw a bag that this pealing had happened ALL along the edges. Has the pealing continued? Or is it still the same? In pebbled leather this could probably just be touched up with black paint, in this material it has like a coating on it so I don’t think black paint would work :/. You’ve taken amazing care of it! View attachment 5999764

lol don’t mind at all!
I don’t really think it’s “peeling”. It’s not like a top layer started to come off with any bits hanging off that could sort of peel off like peeling a tangerine or removing those sticky silicon glue on the back of new credit cards.

I guess it’s more like just rubbing? The friction of hitting things and eroding over time.

The wear and tear has pretty much stayed in those locations. Corner wear is very common on most bags because they have the most exposure when it comes to the chances of hitting something. I don’t really foresee the wear spreading that much further.
It’s interesting that the bag you saw had it all along the edges, it may have been a very big and long scrape, against a door or the ground to become like that.

Haha thank you for the compliment but tbh I don’t think I take good care of my bags. I’m sure those who have been here for a while know that I don’t baby them. I’ll put them on the floor, concrete, brick, wear them in the rain, bang my crossbodies around. :P I may be even borderline careless to some lol.
The YSL envelope bag I have definitely put on concrete quite a few times.

I agree with @papertiger . To patch up edges here and there would not be uniform and would probably be quite noticeable unfortunately.
And since this is not just paint rubbing off but actual leather, I’m not even sure if painting around all the edges would turn out okay or to one’s expectations. Because that’s like adding piping to something that was originally designed not to have it. So I would be a little wary about doing that.
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