Your New Gucci: A Collective Mini Reveal Thread!

So gorgeous!! :loveeyes: Both the red and green are lovely, but I say keep the red! It's a beautiful shade. Congratulations on your new Dionysus!!
Thank you :biggrin: I really love this shade of red. I have never been interested in purchasing a red bag prior to seeing this Dionysus. I’ve seen a lot of red Chanel bags but have never been drawn to them. I think I might keep this as it is a classic colour. It seems to go with most my outfits so far. :smile:
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It looks very nice! If you get the Emerald Green, then will you keep thinking about this red?

I think you can't really go wrong with either. Red bags do have a higher resale value than green (at least from my experience checking resale sites).
Thank you averagejoe. I went with red because it was a pop of colour and it was a classic colour. I went to Gucci on 3 different occasions to try it on and the Red seemed to compliment most my outfits. Good to know about the resale being higher just in case I decide to sell in the future. I can imagine more people would lean towards buying a red bag over a green one. And yes if I did exchange this bag I would crave it still. Maybe I will still buy the green later down the track. ;)