Food Your Amazing Bags Cookware Combos (Your ABCs)

Newbie question — any difference in black or metal knob on lids? I read one online review where someone said the black knob on the lid on their flame color DO burst into flame in the oven during preheating. Maybe a bad lid? Thanks.
Very nice! Looks lovely!

Can I have THIS soup to go please?:heart:

Haha! Good one leechiyong! You should post this on the Hermes sheltering in place thread :lol::tup:

Love this!!! Especially the heart shaped boxes (were those for bag charms?). And also sign me up for soup to go please :smile:.
Thank you! I'm going to need a larger dutch oven to make portions for everyone!

The heart shaped box was for the mini heart scarf ring. I believe heart shaped boxes were available for a limited time for Valentine's day for their love/heart scarves, twillys, and scarf rings.