Words you HATE!

common words that are pronounced incorrectly, like: height prounouced 'heighth" (there are more...can't think of them now)
My mom: clothes shopping at Dillons instead of Dillards and she says Wal Marts with an 's' EVERY time...God bless her...but it makes me hate Wal Mart all the more!
common words that are pronounced incorrectly, like: height prounouced 'heighth" (there are more...can't think of them now)
My mom: clothes shopping at Dillons instead of Dillards and she says Wal Marts with an 's' EVERY time...God bless her...but it makes me hate Wal Mart all the more!

HaHa...My Mom is in Texas and she calls it Wally World...:yes:

it just sounds too dirty for me. i despise it! :yucky:

**mod's please feel free to take out the U and put an asterik instead if it's more approrpiate

That's the word I hate the most too (i put a * in there in case it is considered too dirty of a word LOL)... I punched someone for calling me that once. I've only used it a few times, and only on a person that made me VERY angry.
strangely enough, i don't mind the c word at all.. but the same word phonetically means edge in swedish so in my head that's what it means and i don't understand how it's supposed to be dirty. vittu/fitta (finnish and swedish for the c word) are muuuuch much worse in my head.

:roflmfao: at galoshes, that's so cute!
We all know there are words we hate hearing or saying. So to start the ball rolling, I hate two words:

Moist - it just makes me a bit ill for some reason

Panties - reminds me a 55 yr old man who is looking at little's under garments.

Anyone else?
:roflmfao: My mom always asked my boys, when they were in diapers, if she could 'change their panties!" :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: My dh and I would snap our heads towards each other and give each other the :wtf: look! (I hope I don't have posters-remorse after submitting this...:Push: )
"pressure" i just hate how it sounds when spoken
"hella" bc it's obnoxious
"gay" and "retard" used as put-downs or slang for stupid
words with a lot of P sounds
"chunk of change" "yeah buddy" "this n' that" <-- people in huntsville say them all the time and GAH i hate it
"like" "uh" "um" <--think before you talk!!! verbal pauses annoy me

i'm sure there are more, i'm quite cranky right now :smile: