Women that wear size 21-32 designer jeans, need your suggestions!

Paige, paige, paige!

My mom is a 29-30 and loves them; I'm a 26-27 and I love them. They just fit all bodies. You might like Hidden Hills as they have a higher rise.
I am a 26-27 so don't have much to add other than my gf wears a 32 and quite frankly I think she's got a great figure so the OP should cut herself some slack!!!! You posted that question as if you are embarrassed of something....."I'll bet the boys like you plenty!!" (that's from Sixteen Candles in case no one recognizes it..haha) But her favorite jeans of all time are the Ginger's as you stated and they're pretty good for those of us built like 12 year olds too cuz I have a pair and love em!!!!
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