Who is BagLadie??

OK I will make it easy-5 questions--others can post more questions...

1) Favorite movie

2) favorite song

3) most romantic moment

4) One item you will cherish forever and why?

5) One memory of happiness that will live forever in you heart?

Pass the pizza please while we wait.

1) 40 Year Old Virgin (not sure what that says about me but that movie made me die laughing.....all 20 times.

2) Oh my god I love music and have a zillion favorite songs! Would have to say All Of My Love (Led Zeppelin)

3) My first date with my DH. We have known eachother since the first grade but it was the first time I realized I was going to marry this man. (awwwww)

4) I have drawers filled with things my children have made for me. My oldest made me a laminated poem for Mothers Day a few years ago and it's my favorite - I will always cherish it.

5) I have 3 memories that will live forever in my heart...the days each of my 3 kids were born. Sigh.

Ok this was fun. Now you know more about BagLadie. Enough about me...pass the pizza!!! :yahoo: