Which scarf/pointu/pochette are you wearing today?

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You know, I was wondering between Tigre and Astrologie for my third choice (I stop here, I hope!).
Several days ago, my SA called me they received finally the brown Tigre, so I went yesterday to see how she was.
I was STILL wondering.:thinking:
But, when I see the Tigre IRL, I could immediately make a decision. :biggrin:
This CW is so subtle. Perfect neutral scarf for me!

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Iris - you look stunning in this - you definitely made a great choice here. So tempted to get another tiger scarf, but cannot justify another big cat silk (sigh). Gorgeous and I will admire it on you :smile:And I am truly glad the two rings work for you as well - you elevate the look fantastically!;)

IsraeliFlava- PdM is a tricky design for sure. Think because it is a busy pattern. I had this same problem with ELK in the 90 last season, and the Au fil du Carre. I was also tempted by the black and the white colorways, and neither sang to me. The orange seemed to be just the right balance for me after a couple of visits and wearing different outfits. Try a few other colorways, you never know.

sparkle - congrats and brava on you beautiful bright mousseline. You wear oranges and reds magnificently.

textile - hey there dear - you are looking really fabulous ( and slimming) in white and black and the wrist silkie is very cool too. ? But I am ogling that croc bracelet of yours!

Jeshika - a really beautiful Tigre on you - and artfully tied as well.

TT - amazing mousseline - the Mosaique slipped by me - I loved the grey and the bronze/azure ones too. Think you will get a lot of wear on this colorway - it's incredibly versatile and flattering on.

Tango - thanks for sharing your storage tips. I am in the midst of my kitchen renovation and once that is done, my closet will be next! Scarf drawers are the number one priority! Yours solution is simple and immediate! Love your threesomes, but the ones I die for is Pavements and Coaching!

Lily - Sequences is fresh and classic on you. Welcome!

So new theme week is Sailing scarves? I will have to expand to some sea worthy silks since I have not been able to give them their due lately.
Ahoy there, Scarfies!!! This week we sail away from the 70s and back to the 21st century (whew!) during Nautical Week on Scarf of the Day.

The Tall Ship Europa

I personally consider myself more of a dinghy than a yacht, but I bet if I tied all my scarves together it would make a beautiful sail... LOL :P

Earlier this year we had a discussion of nautical scarves, and Jahna posted a beautiful link to the great Tuiga under sail.

And now for a dose of morning schmaltz: "We were sailing along on Moonlight Baaaaaaayyyyyyy" courtesy of Doris Day
Dear Tango, thank you so much for your sweet words. I'm happy to share your love for the Les Cles ! And I realized you got my grail scarf which feature cherry flowers and butterflys in black cw. Oh, I can't wait your article and pics featuring it!

Thank you so much for being happy for me! Vol Amoureux des Azures is achingly beautiful. And your wish is my command - the profile is here. You must find this scarf. You will adore it.

(Fritillary, that goes for you too. A lover of butterflies such as yourself can't possibly do without this scarf in her closet!)
Vol Amoureux des Azures.jpg
Hope that everyone is well and happy! I have been absorbed by the Olympics and house guests and trips to the Saratoga track and bathroom renovations but am looking forward to catching up with tpf next week, cheers to all! :biggrin:
I'm hoping I can still be on theme with my new mousseline that just arrived. I know it is bad manners to gush about your own purchase, but this girl came from Japan, brand new and has sent me over the moon. Here she is: Pauwels' 2007 De Tout Coeur. I did not like or wear orange in the 80's; the color is a new love for me. I love new love, old love...just love and this romantic, girly (Tango's words) mousseline shawl is LOVE. (If linen wrinkles offend you--don't look!)

Well, I had to strike while the iron was hot... dbf was feeling bad for my weeping pity party I had last weekend while sitting on Ban Island.... I just KNEW the Maharaja shawl was for me so when we got to the boutique, I ordered the black cw sight unseen.... um. No. Def not my Flava. But I will post pics in case anyone is interested. It def has a Christmas-y feel. Like wearing Christmas lights strung around your neck :giggles:

I took the pics in my Sun Room so the spots on the pics are the suns rays shining through onto the shawl... sorry.

AMAZING :biggrin::love::woot::yahoo:
TangoT, I love that 'well-ordered mind' thing! I go through organizing frenzies on a routine basis! So what will you do with your orange boxes now? Mine are in a closet as I can't seem to let them go even though the silks are stored in clear archival sleeves in a basket. And yes, I love my farandole!

Beautiful cw for Vol Amourex!

Iris J, thanks!

lanit, :wave: thanks, the croc, and its twin, :amazed: are among my most fab 'steals' ;)

pierina, adore Saratoga and hope you are having fun -- have you had a Hand melon yet? I'm looking forward to your latest enabling :graucho:
Tango, I love how you love your new grail, the butterfly scarf! She is lovely. I have worn silk necklaces all week and want to slip in my last one before Nautical week! Again, my other cw of my Flots de Chevals as a necklace from "the 70's." Again, gone all day--hair a mess, linen wrinkled as usual. Please forgive. But I just love the necklace....


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You know, I was wondering between Tigre and Astrologie for my third choice (I stop here, I hope!).
Several days ago, my SA called me they received finally the brown Tigre, so I went yesterday to see how she was.
I was STILL wondering.:thinking:
But, when I see the Tigre IRL, I could immediately make a decision. :biggrin:
This CW is so subtle. Perfect neutral scarf for me!

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Oh Iris, you just ROCK everything but this black and white with Tiger is "I'm-gunna-Pass-Out Gorgeous. Love the look, sleek and cool, just like the big ole Feline!

Jeez I hope this works! You may wonder why I bothered, since the only thing special about the pics is that there's more of 'me' in them....oh, right, we need less of 'me' and more of silk, LOL!

Sorry silkies, I was just excited that I managed to take a more inclusive pic, and that I actually had something on that didn't fit the definition of "leisure pup tent"! For those of you who remember leisure suits, you will appreciate that I have finally made an 'on-theme' reference! :lol:

Textile, you are stinkin' funny. I am going to use your term: Leisure pup tent. That's my look. I always look like a wrinkled pup tent! LOL! Love your black and white with the silk bracelet. Fabulous with the croc bangle. Rockin' it Lady!! You need Iris' Tiger Scarf too.
Uh Oh, it's Nautical week? I am the queen of nauticals. Guess I am going to have to reappear.

What butterfly scarf TT? What does it look ilke whole? What's it's name?

Here's a pic of our real "boat" (she's a 49' Hinkley ketch, for you sailors):

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Tango: love your picture of closet and how would I die to look through those newly organized drawers!! Do I not see much red in your collection? I think you would be red-hot in red!

My collection is still in boxes and this suits me for now but I am going to put those cute little labels on the sides. That will help on rush days; however, I do like peeking in the boxes searching for X. I always greet the beauties and often change my mind as I search. Weirdo to the Max, huh?
Uh Oh, it's Nautical week? I am the queen of nauticals. Guess I am going to have to reappear.

What butterfly scarf TT? What does it look ilke whole? What's it's name?

Here's a pic of our real "boat" (she's a 49' Hinkley ketch, for you sailors):


Jahna, it's so nice to see you again :hugs:

The butterfly scarf is Vol Amoureux des Azures and I just profiled it today here on my thread.

Nice "boat," by the way.
Hi Silk Lovers! I had a great time with my sister and niece this past week. Thanks for all the well wishes! We shopped til we dropped! So many incredibly amazing photos, I am afraid I have gotten too far behind for individual comments. Please forgive me (again)!
I would like to share with you one of my recent goodies... PdM! Sorry for so many pictures. I got really excited pairing it with some options. The first pic shows PdM paired with a strand of my mother's pearls and a strand of my mother-in-law's pearls. I feel like they are with me when I wear the jewelry I inherited from them. The second is paired with a purple sweater.In the next pic, the turquoise Indian head earrings were a gift to my from my DH celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary. I think they are a perfect match for the scarf. The last pic is paired with a JCrew python sweater, JCrew skirt and an ancient pair of Marc Jacobs shoes that I just realized matched the ensemble. Enjoy my matchy matchy combo! :P Thanks for letting me share!

sorry to be off theme week. I have a S/S 2012 contribution to make for the nautical theme tomorrow.:graucho:


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I'm hoping I can still be on theme with my new mousseline that just arrived. I know it is bad manners to gush about your own purchase, but this girl came from Japan, brand new and has sent me over the moon. Here she is: Pauwels' 2007 De Tout Coeur. I did not like or wear orange in the 80's; the color is a new love for me. I love new love, old love...just love and this romantic, girly (Tango's words) mousseline shawl is LOVE. (If linen wrinkles offend you--don't look!)

This is ultra yummy! Two YUMS up!:tup::tup:
Uh Oh, it's Nautical week? I am the queen of nauticals. Guess I am going to have to reappear.

What butterfly scarf TT? What does it look ilke whole? What's it's name?

Here's a pic of our real "boat" (she's a 49' Hinkley ketch, for you sailors):


Hi Jahna!!! Great to see you, again. You have been missed! Great pic of your boat and that amazing setting!:smile:
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