Food What's your favorite kitchen gadget?

my OXO salad spinner we got for our housewarming!! i love it. drains all the water out.
Ahh my sister has the same one... it's excellent!! :tup:

My favorite gadget is this teensy tiny grater that's only ~2" tall. It's perfect for grating whole nutmeg, which I am obsessed with! :biggrin:

I also like my microplane zester a lot, too!
Probably first off my kitchen shears, I use them several times a much easier than a knife for so many things.

A close second would be my crepe is super easy and fast and everyone loves them, and they are so light and yummy and I can make a batch of 24-30 in about a half hour (they refrigerate well).
Not sure this qualifies as a gadget but would have to be my wood chopping board - I just changed recently and it is so much more comfortable using than my previous plastic one.
As for appliances, it would have to be my pressure cooker - I use it for everything.
recently it's been my apple slicer/corer, my micro-plane (been grating a lot of parmesan) this rubber thingie that was made for taking the peels off of garlic, but i re-purposed it to open jars. :smile: