What my mom said about my sky blue twiggy

The great thing about handbags is that they're for US and not anybody else! I bet you wouldn't be overly-impressed by your mother's handbags. Or her shoes! Enjoy your Twiggy. I saw a lady at the cinema recently, carrying a sky-blue Twiggy. I was so impressed I bought myself an anthracite shortly afterwards! We just need to live with the fact that not everybody is into Balenciaga.
Moms are........ something.......Eh, whatever, I wouldn't want to dress like my mom anyway! Or look like her when I'm her age. So I don't usually care what her opinion is anyway.
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Dont worry... My mum once asked whether my olive brown day was made of plastic... and i said yes.. so that i can keep buying them without raising any suspicion about my spending habits - LOL!
hMm.. don'tcha just love moms. My mom actually surprise me by asking.. "aren't those bags called Motorcycle bags?" .. and I was thinking "huh.. howd yah know?":weird: eEeck.. I guess my sis & I both inherited the bag bug.. lol.
All that matters is that we love our bags!

My parents are funny, too. My mom knows about Bal but I don't think she likes it. My dad knows nothing about it, but he said "nice leather" when he touched my navy first. I had dropped it in a mud puddle getting out of the car, and he said "it'll be fine it's got great leather". hehe

My mom always asks me what the tassels are for. She said that if she ever wore any of my bbags, she'll trip on the tassels! She always volunteers to "trim" them! :shrugs:

^^nOooooo,this is terrific...!!!!!!!:roflmfao: A Bbag without tassels is a woman without Bbags..:roflmfao:

My mom loves all my Bbgas,her fav is my chocolate work!:nuts: Her sister loves my magenta..a lot...too much,she would steal it.. beyond all bearing..:Push:
Haha, I sometimes make straight forward comment on my daughter's stuff. I mean no harm. Yup, you just love your MOM. LOL

Only the comment my mom made was " why do they cost that much? " It's coming from someone who has big collection of Hermes & Bottega. As long as you love it, that's all matters ! :tup:
^^What your mom said about Bbags is totally hilarious! Especially with that kind of a collection!

My mom originally didn't like my Bbags. Then she saw my EB GSH PT and begged me not to sell it because she just loved it too much. I was so taken aback that I asked her what she liked about it. Her reply "The color is just so beautiful (meanwhile it's washed out and not vivid at all) and the giant silver hardware it has on it (and she doesn't even know that's what they call it, just her lucky day I guess). Go figure she would fall in love with my dream bag (if only it was brighter!).
When my mom saw mine, she asked me if I was "dumpster diving". Do you believe it? She also says that if she were to wear a name on her bag, it would be her name ("why would you want to advertise for someone???")