Food What kind of milk do you drink?

I wish I could drink skim but it's so clear & watery (plus there's this wierd taste to me). I can drink 1% & higher and almond, rice or soy milk. I agree that organic tastes the best, and is easier to digest (and goat's milk is better also, as gross as it may be to some).
I Drink skim - I've been drinking it since I was a teeanger - My mother used to do Weight Watchers back when they only allowed skim and I got used to it - and grew to prefer it. Even now I keep the powdered stuff in the house and don't mind it as long I can make it ahead and chill it in the fridge before drinking it.

I buy whole milk once in a while for cooking. (Corn chowder is just not the same made with skim milk.)
I buy whole milk but noone in the house drinks it. We use it mostly for cooking and the occasional bowl of cereal. I buy half gallons and ALWAYS have to throw some of it away.