What do you think of people reselling your items?

What do you think about people reselling your tokidoki?

  • It's great. Capitalism at its best.

  • I'm indifferent. It's their item once they buy it.

  • It makes me sad to see people do this

  • I'd be mad because just it's not right

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I think at shoptokidoki it might be better to start a bidding price on items. State how many days you're receiving offers and keep the highest offer listed and then the high bidder wins. That way if there are several people who want the item they get a chance. Its not the first person who sees the listing (who may very probably be a person who does ebay for a business in tokis) yeah, its a little like ebay but if the true tokilovers are at shoptokidoki a "reseller" isn't going to pay over a certain price to get it but the person who really really wants it will.
is LJ all that great? I got denied :tdown: Anyways, as long as the person doesnt lie about the condition, where they got it, ect I could care less about what they do with it.
I guess I'm indifferent. I depends on why the person initially purchased the item, especially when there are others who would have loved it for themselves at a decent price.

I may be biased because I could have purchased a coveted bag for 500 but passed it on ONLY because this "friend" said she really wanted it, it was her dream bag, a collector, sobs, etc. She turned right around and resold it for 1500 + after soliciting members to buy it soon after. THAT pissed me off since I would have bought it for myself but she acted like it was a life altering bag for her and even found out she asked one of the people she solicited the bag to if she knew me well, knowing it might get back to me. So, she knew what the right thing to do would have been.

All in all, it really depends and it's a case by case basis. I think when it's a smaller community where you help each other out, it's different, unlike buying a bag from ebay or a store at a reduced price and flipping it. Capitalism is great, but the line of ethics can be subjective.