What do you do with free time?

Free time? Hmmm...I have three kids, three dogs and a husband! Other than that, I knit. I really love to knit and it's really relaxing and fun to make something from almost nothing.

i :heart: :heart: :heart: knitting! i've known how to knit for years....i pick it up every winter but never end up finishing anything. but this winter i realized it's an awesome tool to control my anxiety and now i have a STACK of things i've finished. it is SO rewarding.

my siblings are artists and my parents are chefs. i however completely missed the creativity gene. i've always been envious that they create tangible things from nothing....well now i can too! i even end up a little creative myself by using a basic pattern and adding fancy stiches or different yarn. it's definitely been taking away from my tPF time though....and i spend waaaaay more on yarn and needles than i do on handbags!

so yeah. i knit a lot and end up watching a LOT of movies while i do it. i like to read. DH and i take our dogs to the beach all the time. i love to buy a huge latte and just wander through a book, yarn, pet or big box store. sometimes i end up buying something little (nail polish, a new book, a pattern, etc) but sometimes it's fun just looking. i spend a few hours every day here, on myspace, and searching youtube for things that make me laugh. i'm really into simple pleasures if you can't tell. :smile: