What bag 'surprised' you, and you 'had' to get it?

This is awful to say, so I will apologize first, but I never like the pappillon when I saw people carrying it, then I saw a picture of Sandra carrying it here on the Forum and fell in love with it. When I went to LV two SA's tried to talk me out of it and into the Saleya PM (beautiful bag but it didn't look good on me personally), well I left with the Damier pappillon and I LOVE that bag:cutesy: ...my husband and kids call it the tootsie roll, and it does roll (or rather go flying) off the console in the car.
I walked into the boutique with the intent on getting a messenger bag, & walked out with the white MC trouville instead... I spotted the trouville on display as I was about to pay for the messenger bag... lol

come to think of it, I don't really need a messenger bag... =P
I always use to think the damier was ugly, would always say, 'who the heck would buy THAT?'....fast forward to joining the forum, I saw everyone with thier gorgeous bags and suddenly, I had to have one! Now I have my speedy 25 which I love to death and I know it won't be my last damier. :smile:

Im w you...I hated the "checker board" look but when I saw it in real life I bought the speedy25:love:
It's funny - I always loved my mono speedy 25 - thought the 30 was just TOO big. Then I saw everyone's bags on here - how even little people were wearing this bag and I bought the 30. Someone said to me if I got the 30, the 25 would never see the light of day again. I spent all that money for beautiful new handles for my Speedy 25, and gave it to my 19 year old daughter last week because I just love the 30!

I always hated the Damier - and now have a Damier Speedy. I didn't like the groom initially, and now have a cles.

I had never really heard of the Trompe L'oeil line and then I saw pics on the forum of the pochette and I liked it. THEN i saw pics of the trocadero. LOVE it. Now I have to have one.

But as far as walking into the LV store and walking out with something that I have to have immeadiately----that never happens. I always do lots of research and look over and over. My finacee tells me that I'm annoying. LOL

i've always disliked "random patterns" on classic patterns...so the CB didn't really catch my attention at all...not until i wanted a papillon that's big enough to hold my stuff...and i didn't want the old "rolling" bags..did i make a beautiful purchase off a tPFer..! though i've only used the bag once, i still love it!
I saw the LH on Elux, and I just had to get it! Now I'm in love with the Azur Saleya GM... I'm hoping to save enough for that and all the other Azur accessories.. Hopefully they'll all be full in stock by the end of January.. lol