Warning to Purseket lovers!

My my, sorry this happened to you!

I'm not sure if Pursekets can be washed, but I would think that washing them a few times before placing them in the bag would help to get rid of at least some of the dye that may bleed.

So so sorry that happened..
ooh im really sorry this has happend to you, the MC coin purse is so pretty and hard to get. I can relate about the cabby, i looked inside mine the other day to find a bunch of big black marks all over the place. I figured out it was from the newspapers i had been putting in there every day >_<. At first i freaked out then did a google search about alcantra and cleaning it. The company that makes alcantra has a bit of info about cleaning it on their website. I used baby wipes on mine (as it was all i had at the time) and most of it has come out. Good luck to you, i am certainly very conscious of what i put in my cabby now.
Oh, thanks for the warning - so sorry this happened to you! I guess it's safer to go with the light coloured pursekets, then...

Hope you can get your little heart claned!
I'm sooo sorry this happened to you! ***hugs*** What's up with the Purseket company not checking to see if their fabrics are colorfast? Using it means its resting against other material/fabric. Shouldn't that be a main thing to check for before the product goes out? From what I've read, the way they're handling your situation is NOT great customer service either:tdown:. I was just 2 shakes away from buying one but now I won't take a chance. possibly defective product + bad customer service = no sale.
Yes, I think I'll send them pics and see what they say. Honestly, I don't think they'll really care. All the lady could say was that she didn't know what to say, she's never heard of this, did I spill water in my bag, and it must be a defect with LV. UGH! So frustrating! She'll give me back what I paid for the purseket. Big deal!!! It doesn't cover my MC heart. That's the one that makes me most sick now. Nothing is taking it off....I've tried everything.
Personally, I would NOT send it back to them. I would hold onto it, take photos of the damage and send them along with a letter to the owner of the company and wait to see what the owner says. The lady you spoke with may have been an employee that really does not have the authority to comment or make compensation. You just bought your Cabby and the heart can no longer be replaced, combined this is a great deal of money. There is no defect with the LV items, it is purseket that is defective! I think they should buy the LV items from you, they have insurance as any company does to cover this. I really think if you take this to the higher level of the company something will be done. I own 2 of the pursekets, the plaid and the leopard but have used only the tan plaid and only briefly. Do not let this drop, please pursue this, you paid hard-earned money to buy your LV items. I am so sorry this happend to you. Also tell them you are a purse forum member and you will let the thousands of members know how they folow-through with this situation.
hi! it also happened to my LV. I put the black w/ polka dots and it just transferred the color to my lilac epi noe. I was really irritated, but can't do anything coz purseket website has no numbers to contact customer assistance.