****Vixxen Hates Christian Louboutin Heels!!!****

Welcome back! I am dying over here about all the Rolando's (in the minority, but I love this style. I find them so comfy) and VP's you have sold. I am sure you will be back to the swing of things in no time ;)
Congratulations, hello and welcome back Vixxen.

(and thank your stars your feet did not change size! my girlfriend's did and she had to get rid of all of hers, though she's not CL crazy like we are, she did have a few pairs of Manolos which she had to let go of)
Ummmm...well...now that you mention it, my feet do seem to have gone up a half size. I read an article about that and it said that your feet like everything else take time to go back to size. Also, it pointed out interesting factors like the fact that you also gain a very small percentage of weight in your feet, if you stopped wearing heels your feet can spread and then kind of "remold" when you start wearing heels again, etc. Oh well, time will tell. My CLs still fit, but the snug ones are snugger and the looser ones are fitting better. I should point out though that I still have baby weight to go and have lived in sneakers since right before he was born. And, I use the excuse of having a baby to eat brownie bites for breakfast. MY FEET NEED TO GET ON JENNY CRAIG!...
Ummmm...well...now that you mention it, my feet do seem to have gone up a half size. I read an article about that and it said that your feet like everything else take time to go back to size. Also, it pointed out interesting factors like the fact that you also gain a very small percentage of weight in your feet, if you stopped wearing heels your feet can spread and then kind of "remold" when you start wearing heels again, etc. Oh well, time will tell. My CLs still fit, but the snug ones are snugger and the looser ones are fitting better. I should point out though that I still have baby weight to go and have lived in sneakers since right before he was born. And, I use the excuse of having a baby to eat brownie bites for breakfast. MY FEET NEED TO GET ON JENNY CRAIG!...

:roflmfao: That cracked me up. :smile: I can relate.
I love your post! You had me good because I was coming in here with ...who dares post they hate CLs on a CL subforum? :pout: :roflmfao:

Glad to see you're back and congrats on being a mommy!