Twiggers' New Obsession

Awww are my baggaholic idol LOLOL!!!!!

Thanks Sheana, Jamie & french!!!

I just got the new paddy in....and need to take pics of the Anthra paddy! Oh...and I *think* another Bbag is on its way...and I'm hunting down another!

It's all fun!
I can't believe you got rid of your entire LV collection - you've fallen HARD for bbags! I love it - you are going to have the most amazing bbag collection here soon....
I can't wait to see your new collection pieces. As someone recently bitten by the B-bug, I can understand the new passion. It's fun to see how the direction of a collection changes over time. I know I startd out collecting everything LV but now I prefer the trunks and rare vintage pieces. I'm loving that stephen! V