Oh, I know what you mean. I can't tell you how many times my online status has said Notice Left and there was no notice left!

One time I went to pick up one package and there had apparently been one sitting there for me for over a week. I had never received a shipping status so I couldn't track it...and I assumed it wasn't on its way yet. (It was Land's End or Eddie Bauer or something). But anyway, it's just sitting there for over a week, almost ready to get sent back and I had no freakin' clue it was there. :rant:
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OMG sooooo irked at Spanish Post right now.... my charm was out for delivery and instead of ringing the doorbell and coming up 2 floors on the elevator.... hell I woulda went down... they just left a notice - AND I can't pick it up till Monday! :mad:

Hey, where the heck are everyone else's purse charms?!?! I posted mine already and I thought I was slow on ordering mine because the original threads about these charms were seriously 1000 posts long! I know some of you other Coachies should have yours by now. Share share share!
I got another one, Maroon textured cowhide. I was planning to get another special order with one of the new textured leathers he got, but I didn't end up liking any of them enough. I'll take pictures as soon as the new one arrives. :smile:
Mine hasn't arrived either. :sad: Hopefully later today (since it has been through the local PO sorting facility), otherwise I will have to wait until Monday... I want it now! :P

Hey, where the heck are everyone else's purse charms?!?! I posted mine already and I thought I was slow on ordering mine because the original threads about these charms were seriously 1000 posts long! I know some of you other Coachies should have yours by now. Share share share!

USPS major fail: not ringing the doorbell when signature is needed and then NOT leaving a notice but saying they did *shakes fist* Mine should arrive today because I rescheduled the delivery. We'll see... Hopefully it arrives before I have to go to work ;_;
OMG sooooo irked at Spanish Post right now.... my charm was out for delivery and instead of ringing the doorbell and coming up 2 floors on the elevator.... hell I woulda went down... they just left a notice - AND I can't pick it up till Monday! :mad:

Well it's good to know that the post office doesn't ONLY stink in the USA!
Here it is!!


and the coin purse I got from leatherprince too, to match my dogger: